Degree Freewriting

Part of my degree is to keep a 'free writing' journal where you zone out and just write the first thing that comes to mind. Usually, it's your feelings and thoughts which end up really personal. With a lot of questions and no answers. It's pretty much a diary.

They are all titled with the 'buzz words' they start with.

So here is my soul.

I'll look...

I'll look after you, because you looked after me, like a true friend.

All of the...

All of the noises that surround me confuse me. A multitude of languages and smells assault me. The woman across the train is shouting into her mobile phone in her language which pisses me off.

Love is...

Love is a word that rarely holds meaning. It doesn't exist, only a word that hurts people. If love existed then these feelings wouldn't be so difficult to explain.

The two sides...

The two sides of you confuse me. Bets and roses. Alcohol and cuddles. If the two collided, would it be a shooting star or a meteor?