
Diary of a mid life crisis

Diary 2

Hi, trust you are well. Not a bad week for me so far, the dog has found a new game pulling the washing off the line.

Diary 3

Hi, bit of a mixed week so far. Despite my objections the 18yr old daughter has once again dropped out of college but with the promise ‘I’m going to get a job’.

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I now realise I have put little thought into my online dating plan. I joined, no charge at this point, and was then faced with a questionnaire.

Diary 5

After much consideration and the fact I am a ‘Scaredy cat’ I am leaving the online dating behind, to use a construction analogy ‘women are just wired different’ and being honest I just don’t

Diary 6

I’ve a wallet full of cards from credit cards to a Tesco card, now it appears I need an equity card if I wish to take my acting ambitions further. Sent off my c.v.