Diary 4
By retirw
- 677 reads
I now realise I have put little thought into my online dating plan. I joined, no charge at this point, and was then faced with a questionnaire.
Now I’m a pretty much what you see is what you get type of guy, not thoughtful with hidden depths but clever enough to know if I’m not posting a pic on my site I should rate my attractiveness quite high so when Pamela Anderson logs on she clicks on me.
So having been given a choice of very attractive or attractive? I put very attractive, perhaps I should have added in the right light, but I’m not saying if that lights on or off.
At this point a friend calls for coffee, I explain what I’m doing and why to which he responds ‘I don’t know about Pamela Anderson, perhaps the biggest tit on the site is filling out the questionnaire’. This reinforces my feeling of foreboding but I’m going to push on.
The rest of the questionnaire seemed basic hair colour, eyes, height, and salary. Salary? They are covering all the bases. Now do I put high and lie, average and lie or low and get no visits? So I put high. Incidentally for height I put six foot and I’m five eleven, so I must remember my name on the site because I could never find myself by the description.
I posted my description and for the next two hours visited my e-mail in box every five minutes to see if I had any alerts as to a visit. Nothing. I’ve bloody lied to make myself appear more desirable and nothing. I decide it must be an e-mail technical fault so e-mail myself from another account. Five minutes later I check again. One e-mail in my in box, result. I click to open my in box. The e-mail is from my other account testing for a technical fault. Bollocks.
This saga is going to run on and on but at least I now only check my in box hourly and I get a result but that’s for next week.
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