Gibbous House (prose masquerading as a novel)

Goodbye Gibbous House.

Hello Gibbous House, the novel, on Jan 12 at Penguin/Random House


Gibbous House

This is something I've been messing about with for a while. It's a bit different for me. Feel free to say how bad you think it is...

Gibbous House (two)

the mysterious packet

Gibbous House 3

Letters unanswered

Gibbous House 4

Luncheon in the Chaste Maid

Gibbous House 5

Burglary... and a walk in the sunshine

Gibbous House 6

Street entertainment... and a decision.

Over the Sea to Skye : Moffat Aboard a Puffer (Excerpt from Moffat III)

What it says, an excerpt from volume III of The Misadventures of Moffat. (As yet untitled, as Alan Davies would have it). If you can't be bothered to read it, I've recorded a reading of it and posted a link at the bottom of the excerpt. Image source is No known copyright issues