Life Poetry

Poems that express life's experiences


This poem is fiction, as I was lucky enough to have the best Father a person could wish for. It is about a 'cutter' who is angry at an abusive father, and tries to rid herself of his blood. M

Leave the light on

A bit of fun at my son's expense.

Where is my Heathcliff?

He came alive with each drop of ink from Emily’s pen. Through her words his image formed in my young mind. Wild, strong and fearless. Romantic in an anguished, cruel way.


Please don’t steal my spirit, or take my will to write. Don’t send me spiraling and steer me from the light. You know I cannot fight my demons way down there,

Mirror, mirror...

I look in the mirror and what do I see? My mother’s dear face has replaced the young me. Though I do love to see her — it saddens my heart,