Lighter Hearted Poems

Uncharacteristically frivalous stuff (not sure I'm ready for full blown humour yet).

Dafty Limericks

There was an old man from Peru who had terrible trouble with shoes. It happened, he said, when he wore them to bed and marched in his sleep all night...

The Morris Dancing Major

You’d think the major would be enraged to look so strange, doing his sidesteps full of frills. In with the boys and bashing sticks, and no dallying...

The Honour Guard

The honour guard are glass eyed on parade, waiting for inspection and the day for which they've trained. Double ranks in waiting for the chief of the...

Remains of a Dog Have Been Found

Remains of a dog have been found, in this ground that used to be a fortress. No-one can guess if he was stoned or drowned, or sent to a kennel...

Suddenly I Am Santa (A Seasonal Transmogrification Nightmare)

Once it would have been no, no, no, now I horrifyingly affirm ho, ho, ho! Suddenly, I am Santa. Where did it begin? Went to bed arsey and unkind as...

Windsock at the Cheese Factory

There is a windsock at the cheese factory to warn when the cheddar cheese breeze is blowing far too hard, to mark our cards about low-flying...

The Medieval Wildman Comes to Stay

New technology allows me to extract him from a woodcut and invite him into the house. It is a mistake. His stains will never be erased from the soft...

All Them Monkeys, All Them Bears

All them monkeys, all them bears, O my goodness, how they stare. How they gnash, to what effect, call the doctor, fetch the vet! Please sedate that...

The One That Got Away

I never got near enough to know for sure whether she was mermaid or maiden. All I know is that she was alluring beyond all endurance. But how do you...

Four Legged Mary

Four legged Mary was kidnapped by fairies, they taught her to dance, but didn’t enhance her, no way. Hairy old Mary was not so much scary as wary and...

The Man Who Hated Wasting Paper

I would give him wings made from the crisp red gold of fallen leaves, fold the bark of silver birch into darts that would pierce his stingy heart. I...


The listless birds seem to have escaped from the razzamataz clutches of a hapless stage magician. Now they perch on the railing, slightly stunned,...

Poem for the Goalie

Poor Sam Bartram was between the posts in the black and white days. One day he waited too long between the posts when a white out fog came down and...

The Sinisterish Milkman

The Sinisterish Milkman (For Halloween) The sinisterish milkman from the world's end dairy has a glint in the eye that makes you wary and clinking...

We Never Speak of Rose

We do not speak of Rose, who was deposed from middle management, who went or was made to go, who knows? We will not mention Rose, who was with us for...

Travelling In Silence (Train Journey 2013)

My son asks me to speak more. I don’t. In the Quiet Coach I talk with a professional poet. A woman angrily tells us speaking is not allowed there.

The Man Who Wore A Hundred Hats

None of them suited him, which was his aim, being a king contrarian, but he wore them in rotation just the same. The bowler hat, he found, was best...

The December Grass

Under contract, he mows the pristine estate edgings unknowingly, him in the day glo, hood up, head down. No seasonal ho-ho-ho about him (and who can...