
just a collection of all my poems

The aragance to the world

written in a blinding rage at life and VERYTHING GRRR >:(

<Insert lover here>

I, I look at you now With your feet on the ground The stars in your eyes As you sing. I, I look at you now You're all grown up With you heart in you're mouth as you sing.

A closeness never felt before

Slowly we draw nearer A heart best Beating in time as one Rapid in sync Never wavering never faultering A closeness never felt before We live and die together I hurt When you hurt

a time and a place

for everyone there is what they believe and what they need weather its a place in the sun or if they just like their own place but we all have them a tree topped hill

A veiw of life through my eyes

... sorry my spellings really bad... and so's my poetry


With the excess love Of my overflowing heart I will fashion us a new one A heart for me and you I will hold it colse to me Never wavering, Never faultering Never missing a single beat

Brown, Purple, Red.

Borwn. a budding friendship dare i say a budding romance. long walks fun days in the mid-summer heat blissful days enriched with a blissful romance Purple. a blossoming friendship

the reminder

well err.t his is it another badly spelt, me being sad poem =)

The Rights of Love

this is love i think once again another tale of my mis-spent love life oh and this one is for someone VERY special to me she know who she is... well at least she better. LOVE YOU x

story of my life

and heres another lovey poem which i have written... again =)


Frank Turener... what a legend... love him, and this is to him, he write honest and true songs and needs to be bigger than what he is!

Viva la Resistance

this was actaully inspired by... MUSE, it don't why it just came to my head fully written so here it is


I heard a song of late And i gave me insperation To write It seemed to describe my life A state of mind Fragile Kept away, From the rest of the world A song of hope For anyone like me


good times are good... =D


a word of unknown meaning, there are many; Slunder. Not even a word, something misheard, but a word with meaning. Everything has meaning. Every word. Every sentence. Every uttered sylobol.


Heaven can occour in the stranges of places. In the gutter, under a bus stop, in the puring rain, down some dingy back ally, or even in the comfort of ones own home. Heaven is a personal thing


She'll eat your soul in her devilishly cunning ways Tearing at you heart strings And draining them away Pulling at your love And lust for life ripped apart before your eyes No one needs her

Shooting star

Jonny may have been a young boy when he heard his first beatles song but who cared? It maybe true that once apon a time frankie did brave hollywood but who cared? Code monkey might go job

Writers block

The words, that once flowed so freely gone! A mental blank cliche, after cliche filling a mind to melting point all these thoughts but no words fill the page and I start to wonder