Science Fiction Prose!


Armour Harvest

Alone in her sphere-room, Senator-Inventor Panzerhaust tinkered with her multicup mould, flinching away from the sparks produced when the chainsaw's teeth hit the bronze. Lemon yellow from the stray hair at the top of her head to the verrucas thriving on her feet, Panzerhaust wore lime green pyjamas to compliment her dyed skin, and was in her late twenties, though by 7 PM she'd be in her mid-twenties.
Gold cherry

Blue Number Girl

The Blue Number Girl skips across web pages and jumps over the cracks between browsers, dropping into whatever site she finds interesting at the time...


Meet Derundool, a self confessed girl who rides through universes on her bike: 'a dimension machine with very poor controls.'

Grand Barazmis (One Page Short Story)

The first thing that popped into Inspector Gurther's head when he laid eyes on the red and black planet from his ship, was how morbidly unappealing...

How Far Would You Go to Keep Living?

A television tells six Brazilian teens to shake hands with each other. A simple request, but one with serious intentions.

Melting Era

It is the last year of the twenty-first century. People are everywhere, you cannot escape them. Magi, a amoral scavenger, is forced to make it through another harrowing day in the massively overpopulated prime-apocalyptic city of New York. With the starving denizens, Superlative Gungslingers, Crowd Brigands, and even a few Sewer Hunters for company, the man is no hero, he's just another survivor in a melting era.

Omezo the Astronaut

The vast majority of alien based science fiction depicts extraterrestrials as malevolent, destructive beings who want to do nothing more than exterminate all humans. This is a look into what it would be like if the situation was reversed.

Revenger: Downloaders

Five techno-addicts attempt a bank heist in the capital city of a science-fantasy world. Includes strong violence and weird fiction.

Revenger: The Council of Deaths

A story in which the personification of death for the Reverse science-fantasy universe, Luth Harkonen, meets up with other incarnations of demise from the wider multiverse in order to keep the balance of life and death. Includes Death of the Endless from DC comics, Mistress Death from Marvel comics, The Shinigami King from the Death Note franchise, Judge Death from the Judge Dredd franchise, and Mort from the Discworld novel series.


A smutty tale about Sex Brawling, a mix of flying, superpowers, sex and wrestling that has taken the galaxy by storm as a spectator sport.

The God of the Gos

I finally hear steps echoing on the marble floor, and straighten myself up in the chair I had been slouching in for four hours, waiting for the...


'What does mercy mean?' Mr Task asked, his eyes examining the word on the page as if it were some strange animal. Number 48 quit bouncing the base...