Story cuts

Little exerpts of stories, maybe one day might put some of these together and give them a beginning middles and end


A short exert from a possible future story, Just practising with my creative energy seeing what comes out.

Conserved ideas

The gate opens at 6:30 in the morning he is never ever late, it is either tuesdays or wednesdays, A short scene of revolution in action

Morning dawn

usually I get to judge the poetry competition between the little un's. But this year I haven't seen my invite.

The cheeseboard

A short story created for the reader's own creative imagination to fill in the gaps, minimal art. or lazy author? you decided.

The Snake God

A strange little story I told someone in a dream, so I decided to write it when I woke.

Sid's moments

Just a starter to my long time project, if you do read it all please comment,

Jeeboo, the tea drinker

Inside it was all a light with candles and little saucers with burning oils, Jeeboo had just returned from his day shift of labour in the factory.

Who is holding onto your heart

The search for the secret treasure inside each and every one of us.

Utopia was a work in progress

In a desolate world, the state has destroyed unity.