I need help please.
I know this should go in writing tips or something, but this group seems to get the most hits and I'd like as many opinions as possible.
I am in disagrement with my publisher over the final edit on my book Better The Devil You Know. I have asked for a re-print and he has refused. I am hopeless at punctuation and the first to admit it.
So what I'd like help with please is could you tell me the correct way to punctuate two sentences.
"I hope you're well," said Ellie.
"I hope you're well." Said Ellie.
"Are you well?" asked Ellie.
"are you well?" Asked Ellie.
This is one of the main things I'm disappointed with, and it happens over and over again. He's saying he's right. In all honesty I haven't got a clue who is right, I've just been doing what I was told was right by my other publisher.
Thank you.