Just Hello

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Just Hello

I'd just like to say hello to everyone here. I have not been able to access the site for aaaaages! And I have my doubts as to whether after tonights little lapse in being a pig, my computer will ever let me in again.
I've missed the site like hell in my absence and look forward to some good reading this week, computer willing.
Nice tlaking to you all.

Carly Svamvour
Anonymous's picture
Hi Sue - I had a problem getting into the site during the week too and was relieved to find I could access it yesterday. I like this site - I think it's going to be successful. I've only been here for a while and only posted one thing, but I do intend to do more. Carly :-)
Anonymous's picture
Sue, are you the same 'Sooz' that wa featured on the 'Getoutthere.bt.com' website? Cool. Keep it up, girlfriend.
Anonymous's picture
I just went to getoutthere.com - it was a perfectly blank page .... ha ha! Very funny.
Anonymous's picture
Welcome back Sue thanks for keeping me interested I look forward to the inspiration you provide
karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Can I seriously recommend Sue's work? Very cheeky writing. She often has a spooky twist at the end. I loved that one about the vicar giving hims..... perhaps I better not say anymore. My style of writing may not lend itself to a message board such as this. Search out the story yourselves. Good luck, Sue, and whatever you do, never stop writing. Karl
Anonymous's picture
Thanks everybody its good to be back. Still having problems with the site. sometimes it lets me in and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't been able to read much for ages. This is such a friendly, happy place to be. I'm off work for the next week and will be in here loads if it will let me. I visit other writing sites (I know unfaithful trollop that I am) but none are as friendly as this one.
mark yelland-brown
Anonymous's picture
Dear Sue, good to have you back and hope you will be with us for ages! Yours, Mark.
Diana Bird, Editor
Anonymous's picture
Hi, So glad you managed to get back to us! Diana
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