ABC front page pics

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ABC front page pics

Where do the photographs that are used on the front page come from? Is it a library stock that you use, or is there a sneaky snapper on the team?
I just wondered...sometimes, like today, the pic doesnt match the blurb - theres a beautiful multicoloured snap of a flower, next to the words "Make us Shiver with Fear"

Anonymous's picture
may be some people find flowers frightening, Liana!!
Anonymous's picture
Forever unanswered, l guess :o)
Gorjer Frill
Anonymous's picture
Forever silenced, I dare not guess.
Diana Bird, Editor
Anonymous's picture
We have a staff photographer called Anthony Epes who takes all of our photos. Sometimes I have little blips and don't put the appropriate photos on. I wasn't trying to make flowers frightening!
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
Thank goodness that's clarified. I've been too scared to venture into my garden for a week!!!!
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
Dear Editor Following your reassurance that flowers are not frightening I have indeed ventured back into my garden. To my horror the Hyd - Rangea was rounding up the fences. Sheltering cover for this was being provided by the bamboos shooting from the rockery. I of course fled immediately to the relative safety of my conservatury, carefully avoiding the red hot pokers that lined my retreat when I tripped and fell, severely injuring myself. I am presently in hospital with many Cyclamen around me and am therefore very scared indeed! I contacted Claims Direct whilst waiting for the ambulance to arrive. They advised me that as I was not at work, out and about or in a car but on my own property they cannot assist me to sue any one for damages. I wish to share this with other readers who may have considered following your advice on this matter. Yours Dave Randall A and
Dim Ocks
Anonymous's picture
sounds like you have the Hebe jebes. You want to kick them in the Genistas or the Berberis you big Pansy. Clem
Holly Hocks
Anonymous's picture
Lots of potential psuedonyms here (for interested parties): Ded Nettle Fox Gloves Haid Ranger Clem Atis Gerry Anium (sounds a bit rude, that) Beg Onia Nas Sturtium Honey Suckle Pet Unia As Stilbe Lo Belia ...and endless Roses
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
well well Dim Ocks want to check out my water feature?
Dim Ocks
Anonymous's picture
does it cascade?
frankie howerd
Anonymous's picture
ooh matron!
kenneth williams
Anonymous's picture
Oi!! that was my line! bitch!
sid james
Anonymous's picture
if frankie's gonna nick other people's lines i'm gonna down tools
john inman
Anonymous's picture
ooooooooo! I'm free if Sid's tool is down.
molly sugden
Anonymous's picture
well i wish you would do something with sid's tool, he's been upsetting my pussy with it...
er oos in east...
Anonymous's picture
I've heard his technique with the screwdriver is legendary .... mrs slocombe
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
l can assure you his tool has never been in my box!!!!
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