Cherries/ratings pale into insignificance

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Cherries/ratings pale into insignificance

It's when you read a true account such as Jozef Imrich's 'Strictly Iron Curtain' ( - a life and death account of fleeing one's country), that the petty quibbling about cherries and ratings pales into insignificance.

Perhaps this experience is too far removed from our own lives (for the most of us who have only seen such things on TV or fictionalised films) to fully grasp this sort of story. And, perhaps the word 'story' does such an account no justice.

Jozef, you have my admiration and respect!

Literary Genius
Anonymous's picture
something i can happily live without
Anonymous's picture
Words cannot express how much your observations mean to me. In a way, I wrote the eyewitness account in order to justify my own survival. I realise in July 1980 that there will be always something missing in my life. It is an experience which I reluctantly recreated in writing. My chest is still heavy, but not as heavy as it was before my writing journey commenced.
Anonymous's picture
David, After reading your posting above I decided to go and read this story. I have to agree with your regarding our petty squablings. Jozef's account of flight was amazing. I was in total awe. I applauded his bravery. I am saddened by his loss.
David Taub
Anonymous's picture
In addition to the links on my website (to ABCTales).. I have a mailing list which I send out from time to time, and I've sent out the link to Jozef's article. I've only included those not subscribed to ABCTales (seems a bit daft notifying those who already come here!)... Remind me, Lisa, did you used to be on that list?
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