Talent, talent everywhere...

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Talent, talent everywhere...

I've read much of the work posted at ABCtales.com. I find myself wondering after reading a great poem or wonderful story, "Why aren't these people published?"

Many of you are sitting on talent and ideas that could rocket you out to success similiar to J. K. Rowlings (Harry Potter Series) or any other recently successful author.

Some of your stories could easily become screen plays (I hear Hollywood is hurting for good ideas) or great books.

Oh well, what do I know? I'm just an average joe enjoying the ride.


Anonymous's picture
Speaking of talent, take a look at 'From the Death of a Teenager.' Its undeniably the best piece of work I've read on this site to date.
Anonymous's picture
will you lot give it a sodding rest? damn, i was in such a good mood before...
Anonymous's picture
Ronnie alias that annoying Richie peron AGAIN. If you don't shut up spouting on about your piece From the death of a teenager, (which I won't read on principal of having it rammed down my throat on virtually every thread) I feel that you may have to rename your next instalment 'Death of a Writer' AJ
Anonymous's picture
Im sorry AJ (invert initials for Jack Ass). I feel I must inform you that my brother has been going under different alias' to promote my work without my knowledge. I told him I wasn't getting read and I guess he just wanted to help out. But, it seems on inspection that he has achieved quite the oppisite, which is unfortunate because like everyone else hear I would very much like my work read. So if you appreciate good literature more than your own immature malice, then you will put aside some time to examine just what story it is that you're complaining about. A very dissappointed auther Richard J O Connell
Anonymous's picture
Hi lostpilgrim and welcome to this wonderful site. I suppose we haven't been as fortunate or persistant as JK Rowlings etc. Never mind enjoy the ride, I sure have. AJ :>)
Anonymous's picture
Your right, there's a lot of very good stuff on this site, maybe if Hollywood poeple are looking for a good story to make into a film, they might come here and have a look about and think mmm thats a good one we will have that. and two years later there's a film and you think (wow) just like my story, it is my story :-(
AJ (alias Jack Ass)
Anonymous's picture
Aw shame, but what about your sister and the rest of your extended family??????? AJ HEW HAW HEW HAW
Anonymous's picture
Yes can we send the email address to all film producers and directors in Hollywood?
Anonymous's picture
I imagine they've already got it, Jennifer... Welcome, Pilgrim, by the way.
Anonymous's picture
So - has anyone had any offers?
Anonymous's picture
Roy Bateman
Anonymous's picture
Not a sausage..
Anonymous's picture
I've had a few offers.............but none that I would like to discuss here!
Anonymous's picture
trust you to be cheeky, mississippi!
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Okay - I am willing to accept Richie's explanation. Your brother has done you no favours. Look at it this way. If you started a double-glazing company and your brother rang me up twelve times touting for business, would I be tempted to buy double-glazing from you ? It's the same principle. (In fact worse, because what has happened is that your brother has butted into conversations people have been having) But, let's just chalk it up to experience and exuberance and give Richie another chance. In my opinion, Andrea is one of the fairest people on the site, and she seemed to think his story was worth reading.
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