Pre-emptive Cherry Strike Game

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Pre-emptive Cherry Strike Game

just thought a good way to idle away a few moments would be to cast your eye through the last ten entered and predict which might get cherries ...

obviously game is null if marky YB has been on patrol ... but often there's a nice stretch of untouched uncherried pieces waiting ...

points awarded to anyone who gets one right ...

Anonymous's picture
fey mouse - Quiet Road ... cracking poem ... consistent imagery ... mmmmmmm
Anonymous's picture
andrew pack's satire Just One Evil. a little different to his usual stuff i think, and quite interesting to see that under-stated wit applied to some serious questions
Anonymous's picture
10 points each for us robertro ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Thank you very much Robert. Under-stated might just be a polite way of saying negligible. One of those stories where I had an ending and worked backwards - it started as comedy, but I ended up quite badly freaked out by the conclusions I reached during the writing. Hey everyone, I'm a satirist now !
Anonymous's picture
I'd bet my right butt cheek that 'From the Death of a Teenager' recieves a cherry. Its simply epic.
Anonymous's picture
Bozart, re:Richie person, if you REALLY and HONESTLY want your work read, then submit it for a criique like the rest of us poor mortals. We sad forum, (cum writers) are not as stupid and gullible as we make out. So come on now at least give us the creditability to which we deserve!!!!!!!! AJ
Anonymous's picture
If you must know Im Richards brother, and I happen to think his work is very good
Anonymous's picture
Siblings don't count. whether their names are Bozart, Paula etc etc etc. How many of you are there?????? Must be a lot as nearly every thread has some form of plug for dear old Richard's work. Good work will always be read and rated. Sit back and enjoy the ride. AJ
Anonymous's picture
Am I one of Richard's siblings too? If I am, I would like you to know that it would make me very happy.
Anonymous's picture
I'm not a sibling, either, but it's made me curious enough to want to go and read his stuff. Which, of course, was the whole idea. But hey. what the hell? (wish I had loads of loyal family members, too)
Anonymous's picture
I wish my family would plug my work, scratch that, I wish my family liked me.
Anonymous's picture
Hey, I have the same server as the sibling guy, he must be from Ireland too
Anonymous's picture
A very densly populated country, Ireland.
Anonymous's picture
Are you or anyone here from Ireland
Anonymous's picture
Uhhh... Where exactly is Ireland? If you tell me where Ireland is, I'll tell you where Kansas is. I just don't know what country Kansas is in, but when I find out, I'll tell you. (Anyway, what happened to (Ms.) Fish and the pre-emptive cherry strike game --- I hope she isn't on her way to Kansas with her pistol and handbag.) ((Did I say that I live in Kansas? No, I live in The Phillipines and in the summers, it's neighboring country, Norway. I hope to see you in The Phillipines or in Norway with your pistol and handbag, (Ms.) Fish. Just remember that I do not live in Kansas, I live in Norway or The Phillipines. Go to both of those countries and I will be somewhere inside one of them.))
Anonymous's picture
Even though this is technically the pre-emptive cherry strike string, it's the Richie Sibling String, The "Are You From Ireland" String, The Guess Fish's Gender String, The Donignacio Is An Idiot String, etc... I just thought that was interesting...
Anonymous's picture
I've read one of Ricie's stories, and I must say, it was pretty weird.
just curious
Anonymous's picture
If i start asking people to read my stuff will i become a target for abuse?.................
Anonymous's picture
well curious ... that is an interesting question ... perhaps it is the british reserve type thing but the self promotion angle seems not to work terribly well ... AJ is right when she says good work will be read and rated ... it speaks for itself really ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I think the politest way to do it is to find someone else whose work you like, email them and tell them and hope (not ask) that they are good enough to return the favour. Plugging yourself might well get you some hits, but there are also going to be a lot of people put off. If you are good enough to read other people's work, your time will come.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
And can't resist - Donignacio, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. Ireland is an island just West of Britain - hugely controversial political history, but in my opinion, populated by one of the nicest groups of people you'll hope to find. (I always thought everyone in America claimed to be descended from the Irish...)
Anonymous's picture
Hey, thanks pal. Of course you were only stating the truth, but thanks all the same. Did you hear about the Protestants harassing thoughs Catholic school girls? You see, there are exceptions to everything
Anonymous's picture
Hey, thanks pal. Of course you were only stating the truth, but thanks all the same. Did you hear about the Protestants harassing thoughs Catholic school girls? You see, there are exceptions to everything
Anonymous's picture
The difficult question of irish politics has not been, thankfully, brought up in this forum so far. I'm sure there are many other sites for this topic. If you understood anything at all about the history of your country beech, richie or whoever you are called tonight, matthew; you would know that there is far more to every story in Ireland beyond what is featured on the news. as a parent, I would question the sanity of those that dress their little girls up in ribbons (for the cameras no doubt) and force them to walk through a tunnel of screaming yobs. It's kinda sick no matter who is wrong and who is right and I object to you bringing this up in this forum. so lets keep this place the way it is and leave irish politics to other sites, where, hopefully, the contributors to a forum will know what they are talking about.
Anonymous's picture
I have always heard of Irish people in the United States, (or wherever I'm from), but I'm not sure where they are now. I think they left. Wait a second! I am Irish descended! I owe Ireland my life! Thank you, Ireland! Oh, Andrew, in response to your Kansas joke: Ahem... As if I didn't hear that one before.
Net Tights
Anonymous's picture
You are wicked, Fish, but we love you. Nice touch about Mark Yell Them Down. (Insipidness Incarnate) Your Obedient Savant, Da Pope.
Anonymous's picture
Net Tights, It's not funny and it's not clever. Grow up.
Anonymous's picture
now then ... stop hijacking this thread ... it is a game ... and it needs people to play it ... now look at the last ten and predict-a-cherry ... otherwise i will have to become stern!
Anonymous's picture
...and that is not a sight that you want to see, believe me!
Poetry Punter
Anonymous's picture
I think 'Close...22' should get a cherry, but A fiver on 'Begets' and 'Jesus, Jesu...' to be cherried by de Judge of us all.
Horz Izphar Korsis
Anonymous's picture
stake: £10 Type: on the nose Runners: everything by fey Odds: very
Anonymous's picture
Come on, Horz. That's not a bet, it's a certainty!
Anonymous's picture
It's too risky to bet on anything else 'Realist' . Give me a winner everytime (unless the runner is called Michael and smokes fat cigars).
Anonymous's picture
reasons to be cheerful ABC 2 i reckon ...
Anonymous's picture
Are you suggesting I nobble the judges?
Anonymous's picture
of course not! just using the previous form guide and my natural hesitancy to bet on outsiders thats all.
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, have just been discussing my knobbly knees, feeling a bit sensitive on subject
curiosity sedated
Anonymous's picture
I can't deny it is tempting to post a ppppllllleeeeaaaaasssseeee read my stuff but i guess i will hope it gets read fairly like everyone else's work. Thanks for the feedback but it would be really nice if everyone went and read my work look on the site for ..........tempting very tempting but no i won't. Some of us want things to stay the way they are instead of advertising where people are trying to have a mature of me........
Horse Feathers
Anonymous's picture
Are you suggesting someone's nobbled your knees, Fey? I demand a Steward's Enquiry!
Poetry Punter
Anonymous's picture
*ripping up betting slip* No need (kneed?) Fey was withdrawn due to ovedose of talent. I bombed totally, though I did get MYB (right jockey - wrong horse) Good game, Fish!
Anonymous's picture
hmmmm .. and i was wrong too ... so no points awarded ... round 2 ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Is there not a risk of quantum mechanic principles getting in the way ? In that the observer interferes with the experiment. If a lot of us predict Story X - then the editor might be persuaded and duly cherry, or the editor might be contrary and just not cherry it, or they might stop reading the stories at all and just award according to the whims of the masses. Also - if they are previously cherried pieces which have been edited and are awaiting recherry, then game is too easy.
Anonymous's picture
well done!
Anonymous's picture
Thank You curiosity, for not using the infamous Richie method of getting your stuff read.
Anonymous's picture
i think i will invent some relatives ... hmmmm ...
Anonymous's picture
true andrew ... so i think the editors should NOT be allowed to look at this thread ...
Anonymous's picture
Can I be one of yourn, Fish? T'would be a singular honour.
Oh my, Fish
Anonymous's picture
You have answer for everything.
Anonymous's picture
Fish, I think I have a long lost brother who goes by that name
Anonymous's picture
oooohyes andrea ... please be my rellie ... also max i do HAVE irish blood ... its the dunne in me ...


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