GOOD Samaritans?

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GOOD Samaritans?

I get the impression that the Samaritans are not as caring as they would have us believe. Ray Osbourne (a volunteer), took a call from a 27yr old by the name of James Ford. He apparently confessed to Osbourne that he had murdered a young woman. Amanda Champion was walking in woodland in Ashford, Kent when Ford pounced on her and slit her throat. Osbourne called the police leading to Ford's arrest and conviction. He was forced to resign from the Samaritans however for breaching their confidentiality rules. He said in his defence, 'I couldn't have lived with myself if he had done it again and I hadn't told anyone.'

This confidentiality crap cannot seriously be allowed to operate in such circumstances, surely?

(Apologies to Stormy for starting another stupid and pointless thread and by so doing giving him the opportunity to join in. )

Anonymous's picture
HaHaHaHaHa.....Realy funny Emma.
Anonymous's picture
you got your frying pan to hand as well ? *Whack* ######### think I hit something
Anonymous's picture
Well, all seems fairly simple to me. Osbourne's justified himself for what he did - anyone could understand why he felt like that. But the Sams had to kick him out. As has been pointed out, if people don't believe in their confidentiality, then they won't phone. And a confidential service like the Samaritans can save lives. The problem with your argument, Missi, is that from the moment it's implemented, no more murderers will be caught that way. More harm than good by far. Who has the right to say nothing? Strong point - but it's the individual's dilemma. I'd say they have the right to do whatever they want, but they have to live with the repurcussions.
Anonymous's picture
Owrf£$!!!%%% yarp yarp yarp
Sheffield Troll
Anonymous's picture
Who the hell do you think you are johnny boy, I mean, what right have you to express any views on these threads when you are just a pathetic little newbie? Go back to counting in tens and units and when you've got to infinity you're welcome to join us. 'to infinity and beyond'
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
AAARRRrrrgggghghgghgghhhhhhhh! *dies* (but where's your LIST of members' fake ids?) *runs to top of thread, starts unravelling clues*
Jeff Prince
Anonymous's picture
You're off your troll-y Em!
Anonymous's picture
Its Confidential! *Runs to top of thread and buries clues*
On The Other Hand
Anonymous's picture
The problem is that in making these sort of arguments public it weaken's people's faith in the confidentiality of the Samaritans and so weakens the organisation and what it can achieve. Fools like Mississippi are really only interested in themselves and the number of people they can irritate or infuriate into provoking a response. Using cheap tactics like mentioning the feeling of a murdered girl’s parents (whose murderer was caught through the Samaritans) he has cast aspersions on the work of the Samaritans, intimated and insinuated that many of them may be criminals, without conscience, or are ‘Playing god with other peoples lives’ and sneered at the good work that the Samaritans do in helping troubled souls - all merely to score points with his ill considered, self-defeating, rhetoric. How will any of this BENEFIT ANYONE at all??? Yes they are GOOD Samaritans, Missi, and as such they are almost exactly the opposite of you. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
omg - I killed Eroo !!!
Anonymous's picture
I think as you do, John (I think!) :-) But what about a case where a person comments on themselves, using a fake ID, for the sake of strengthening their own standing in a discussion (like the one, it seems to me, looking bacl - don't know what you think - a few posts above) - what's that, then? I figure that is something (praising or endorsing yourself) a pretty good thing to make a joke about, certainly much better than getting annoyed or upset, but - maybe that would be (joking about it, I mean) trolling in a way...
Anonymous's picture
yarp yarp yarp
Anonymous's picture
I know it's late but I've only just had a chance to read this thread in full (I skipped most of the posts earlier) My initial response was to agree with Michel ... you break the samaritan ethic and call the crimebusters line from a phone box ... but then I thought ... surely the criminal would not give his real name ... would he even allow his phone number to be displayed? Anyway, I then realised this is all irrelevant. The only workable solution is for the Samaritan to persuade the guy to give himself up, even if it takes several days/weeks of phone calls. Is that not possible or are the Sams simply a soft shoulder? Other than that, Hen is right, although there may be repurcussions(sic) over his spelling
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Do you need an ear to listen an tell you it will be all wright?
Anonymous's picture
"IT Will be all rite" Said the ear.
Anonymous's picture
(I was speaking more of people in the church and samaritans who have evidence - or enough so that if it's urgent a useful tip can be passed on. I believe they do this sometimes.) Agree with you, however. Vital work, to persuade.
Anonymous's picture
Looking *back*, I meant to say dunno where b a c l came from - sorry!
Anonymous's picture
I just threw eroo a stolen cherry pancake through his window
Anonymous's picture
Well spoken Rachel as usual!! also Stormy thread above this one. After reading all the threads on this subject and never giving it much thought before it certainly has been an eye opener. I now consider myself one of the luckier ones but have heart felt concern and would like to extend my commiserations to others mainly on here!! but also everywhere who have not been as fortunate as myself. Great thread Missi but nothing more than I have come to expect from you even if I have in the past tried to pull you into line when I consider you are being rather outrageous...
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
>> The problem with your argument, Missi, is that from the moment it's implemented, no more murderers will be caught that way. More harm than good by far. << Well you're assuming that either the offenders can be persuaded to turn themselves in, a scenario I find highly unlikely, or that the sam in question is going to do what Ray Osbourne did, which ended in his dismissal. Either way it still allows a 'quango' to apply laws of it's own making, and in a democratic society that's unacceptable. I reitterate that my views on this are concerned only with dangerous criminals and their victims, potential or otherwise. I understand the Samaritans do valuable work in helping drug addicts, potential suicides and the homeless along with missing people etc. Stupid nameless twats have no credibility in this or any other discussion as far as I'm concerned. Thank you. Hiya Kath, nice to see you're still here.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I forgot to answer Stormy. Yeah I do have a sense of humour Colin, I just felt obliged to acknowledge you that's all, please feel free to jerk my chain at anytime.
Anonymous's picture
Ow this is grate fun Pi, Brown teddy's?
Anonymous's picture
just one stroke of your mouse too ! and how you keep the b##gers down !
Anonymous's picture
Hay! Power can corrupt even the most saintly of us all..
Anonymous's picture
What did this guy expect to get from the Samaritans anyway? 'I've just killed this woman and I need a shoulder to cry on' Come off it. By committing murder he's given up any right to the sort of advice the Samaritans can give him. He was justifiably identified and caught and rather than getting the sack Osbourne should be given a medal. As for confessionals...... where does a priest's responsibilities lie? With the murderer who expects three hail marys and forgiveness or the next innocent victim and his/her family?
Anonymous's picture
Speak for yourself *ajusts halo*
Anonymous's picture
got any explosives I'd love to blow them teddies up - they are soooooooo annoying
Anonymous's picture
Will e-mail explosives. Vicky, you're halo's wonky..
Anonymous's picture
well what d' ya expect? The crown gets in the way...
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
*offers John a coughdrop*
Anonymous's picture
*John grasfuly excepts*
Anonymous's picture
What Post Andorra? Ow, that one! Well as I mentioned, I have a built in Troll filter that allows me to decided for my self, if something is relevant to what i sad'y. You see, the point is Andorra I recognize that this may or may not be an attempt to undermine me, or my math ability. Unfortunately for the poster, I am a Physicist and have a particular ability with equation. So how can this poster really stand a Chan's of seriously undermining me, when there is no personality behind the comment for me to identify with? As for self commenting, well whatever turns a person on i suppose. Be very embarrassing if not humiliating if you got found out i would have thought.
Anonymous's picture
I meant the 'sam too' comments - is that the ones you meant?
Anonymous's picture
Yikes John, it was me being stupid you daft sod, I was the Sheffield Troll... seems the joke was lost on you,..never mind it wasn't a very good effort... and I know all about your genius in the sciences department, that's why, oh forget it... lol
Anonymous's picture
Just tell me when to go...
Anonymous's picture
jeez, am I in uka by mistake? *slaps self* nope
Anonymous's picture
(mind you, I am probably wrong about that, glancing at it again. I can't believe it's the same person commenting and answering themselves, really. Probably someone having a joke - (as above - nice one!) and even if it was the same person, no harm done I guess. Just thought, that's what it looks like which is kind of funny.)
Anonymous's picture
Ha! But Emma, I new it was someone how new something about my post, because of the content. Being the very smart lass you are, you helped me to make the point. And yes Em, it was very funny, I'm gona have to watch out for you, little troll! Andorra. Have to go shopping now, but will give my vie on that later.
Anonymous's picture
Yes, watch out John, or I'll send Harriet to get you!
Anonymous's picture
Yes, I no Emma. Should have looked at the server address. Well I'm in a rush, so there! *Huffs of because Emma puled a fast one* Te He.. Se Ya.
Anonymous's picture
happy shopping, John. xx
Anonymous's picture
Wash your mouth out Storms!
Anon Sam
Anonymous's picture
>>My initial response was to agree with Michel ... you break the samaritan ethic and call the crimebusters line from a phone box ... but then I thought ... surely the criminal would not give his real name ... would he even allow his phone number to be displayed?<< Excellent comments Stormy. Callers numbers are not displayed on the phones and we are unable to trace calles using 1471. So our powers are severely limited in a "civic duty" kind of way. In light of the publicity regarding this event it is unlikely all but the daftest criminals will confess all to the Sams in future. I am anon because I wish to protect my identity as a Sam.
Anonymous's picture
OK. Ware was I Andorra. Re the Sam post, I don't think it really matters weather it is the same person, someone having a joke, someone being melishus, someone trying to put a serous point across or just someone with a serous split personality disorder. If what the person contributes to the debate is relevant, they will get a response, good or bad, in the same way that i would get a responses depending on how i approach the subject, how i react to comments that i disagree with and weather people in that debate feel that they can relate with what i say. Obviously, people find it difficult to relate to a mysteries character hiding in the back ground, you can relate better to a person if you know them by name, real name or nat it makes no diff. In terms of how a person is treated on an open forum. Well it is a open forum and there are plenty of people who will be quick to way in, especially if they cant identify with you in some way, even just you're name. To attack 'John', Is harder than attacking 'Some Block'. Do i think Sam was treated unfairly? No! Sam started well, but allowed things Sey'd to become personal. A good debater with a strong argument can win people over to there point of vie by not taking everything to heart as Sam Rep did.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Am intrigued to learn that Social Services have no legal power. I'm damn lucky they never found that out when they were employing me as their lawyer... Ten years of just saying 'no, there's nowt I can do about that' and they never caught on.


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