has anyone noticed..

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has anyone noticed..

that the most read work - A Special Love (Deborah), read 2962 times - has been awarded an average rating of 1. what can this mean?

Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
We haven't a clue! We don't manipulate the figures and sometimes things just turn out weird, but I guess that's the way they're meant to be otherwise there would be no point in living. Now I'm going on my hols so when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie you'll be able to guess where! pip pip tc
Anonymous's picture
At the risk of NEVER getting a cherry again TC, will you please please stop putting pip, pip after everything. It makes you sound as if you are a more upper class than us mere mortals. AJ
Anonymous's picture
AJ, old bean, Quait sure the dear chap didn't mean to sound so superior. Toodle-oo, Hyacinth
Anonymous's picture
With no risk of EVER GETTING a cherry I second AJ's request although I think it is more redolent of an impending news broadcast!
Anonymous's picture
how do you know what class bracket meremortal comes from AJ? pip pip cheers my best to you xxx
Anonymous's picture
I think "pip pip" is funny! pip pip pip pip PIP PIP I could say it all day!!
Anonymous's picture
Surely it's "chin Chin" not "cheers" Storms?
ann summers
Anonymous's picture
Is an electric organ a battery powered dildo? If so I'm taking orders.
Anonymous's picture
In the words of a famous song'Tell me more, tell me more'. AJ :>)))))))
Anonymous's picture
Tony cook Are you on a bus somewhere in europe. or was the content of your email just a big coincidence for me. In old Napoli.....
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