has anyone noticed..
Tue, 2001-09-25 09:53
has anyone noticed..
that the most read work - A Special Love (Deborah), read 2962 times - has been awarded an average rating of 1. what can this mean?
We haven't a clue! We don't manipulate the figures and sometimes things just turn out weird, but I guess that's the way they're meant to be otherwise there would be no point in living.
Now I'm going on my hols so when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie you'll be able to guess where!
pip pip
At the risk of NEVER getting a cherry again TC, will you please please stop putting pip, pip after everything. It makes you sound as if you are a more upper class than us mere mortals.
AJ, old bean,
Quait sure the dear chap didn't mean to sound so superior.
With no risk of EVER GETTING a cherry I second AJ's request although I think it is more redolent of an impending news broadcast!
how do you know what class bracket meremortal comes from AJ?
pip pip
my best to you
I think "pip pip" is funny!
pip pip
pip pip
I could say it all day!!
Surely it's "chin Chin" not "cheers" Storms?
Is an electric organ a battery powered dildo? If so I'm taking orders.
In the words of a famous song'Tell me more, tell me more'.
AJ :>)))))))
Tony cook
Are you on a bus somewhere in europe.
or was the content of your email just a big coincidence for me.
In old Napoli.....