Pre emptive cherry strike game

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Pre emptive cherry strike game

I'm reviving this thread, 'cos it was bloody good.
And my first nomination is:

what love was


Anonymous's picture
Cherry bomb about to drop on poetjudes "Celestial Palace" Very good.......
Anonymous's picture
Destination: Charing Cross is a bloody good story...
Anonymous's picture
So is 'Too Much at Once' - this guy is a fine writer...
Anonymous's picture
Help! My cherry has gone (I don't have many)...I tried to rearrange my abc's (thanks to Stormy's advice...cheers mate!) and I my story has activated some language barrier(?) the story has vanished! will I have to write it again?
Anonymous's picture
My boyfriend has just informed me that a girl can never get her lost cherry back.....thanks ...that's very helpful... :O(
Anonymous's picture
Andrea...just checked out "too much too soon" were right..its bloody good. The character is totally lovableand you feel her emotions throughout. The story is constant to the end.....I am going now to check out the stuff.....
Anonymous's picture
By the you have anything on this site?.......
Anonymous's picture
does andrea have anything on the site?????????? type andrea into author search and get reading. I only asked a Q! I thought there might be a deep meaningful reason for all the sets. sorry linsi. ~exits chuckling~
Anonymous's picture
Stormy...."why I outa...!" You owe me a cherry..........oh baby!
bob the nob
Anonymous's picture
'ere darling ......... run outa cherries? got some luverly plums for ya. ~exits scratching crotch~
Anonymous's picture
I will give you fifty squid for em' no more, no less....just gimme me. gimme me!!!
Anonymous's picture
robert's "place between"
Anonymous's picture
and poetjude's "ethnic origin"
Anonymous's picture
"Drowning in that Tune" Rhombus.......
Anonymous's picture
Paegons "Next doors big's" is very funny.....
Anonymous's picture
Barenibs "News From The Front" Bloody right an' all!!
Anonymous's picture
wtate's "crying outside the hiroshima peace musuem" shame tate does not give an email ... i admire this poet and would like to tell poet so ...
Anonymous's picture
I second that. Brilliant. And there is a contact address......
Anonymous's picture
ten for me ... *smug* ...
Anonymous's picture
thanks a lot for the props kids. I didn't know my email wasn't available until I read fish's poem. I updated my profile.
Anonymous's picture
that should have been fish's "post"
Anonymous's picture
Just read 'Hand & Heart' by Salopia. Wonderful and heartbreaking. Deserves a basket of cherries.
Anonymous's picture
So does your very own "Hands" which I have just read and liked very much!!
Anonymous's picture
Liana I second your sophisticated taste. The philosopher tried to be meaningful, sure tried and tried. Success without a word about sex ... Some sneaky ones among us might, however be tempted to read more into those Freudean tea leaves of bones ... (grin)
Anonymous's picture
Ok, I'll put my money on (or at least I would if I had any) 'Moon Starvation'... Tell you what though, us poor story writers don't get a look in, what with all you pesky, pushy, poets posting post-haste.
Anonymous's picture
Just read "Magic Mushrooms" by PoetJude, excellent !!!!!
Anonymous's picture
but liana, can we carry forward our points from the other thread??? i had 100, i think tempted by Pill Down Man O by jass, but i'll go for Dialogue by poetjude [What Love Was deserves cherries too, i think]
Anonymous's picture
No you can't Bobert. This is a new game. Noones won yet either. Grrr I'll have a bob or two on "Close" from the wonderful Fey Mouse.
Anonymous's picture
*feeling rather pleased at game being resurrected* ... well done banana ... my prob is that my telephone line at home is busted and i have No Access To The Net! *gasps horrified* ... so i can't play at the mo ... *goes of in huff*
Anonymous's picture
of course i mean off - *looks at eric*
Anonymous's picture
i am going to award myself 20 extra points for will's poem hiroshima being poem of the day today ... hahahahhaa ...
Anonymous's picture
Yesssssss I get 10 points...What Love Was...cherried today. *grins*
Anonymous's picture
Serve Yourself Please - abcindy Clever!
JozeF ImricH
Anonymous's picture
... What bones will be ... I served myself, illegal doses of abcinthe (sic) (grin)
Anonymous's picture
Knowing Nothing by Fey Mouse. Not that I know anything. But I know what I like.
Anonymous's picture
A Perfect Poem. By yourslef Eddie. Bloody good, reminiscent of Patten. *grinding teeth*
Anonymous's picture
The 'Hiroshima' poem is stunning. I have told poet so, Fish. Cherries were made for this.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Damn, I never played this game when I had the chance and now I'm excluded. Although from this side of the fence, next to be cherried doesn't always mean of the last 10 entered - sometimes my first cherry of the day is from an older story. On the plus point, that means that just because you posted a story a while ago, it doesn't mean that it can't be plucked and recognised at some point... Last 10 is the only way to check for this game though.
Anonymous's picture
im betting my cohonez on "empty now grows every bed" by eddie gibbons. that's sheer inventiveness, is that.
Anonymous's picture
And I get ten more points for Perfect Poem... *getting very smug* But why has it disappeared off recently entered list? It was definitely there this morning....
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I would actually like to give it the illusionary gold-plated cherry - only four in existence for stories and poems that ought to be compulsory... 1. Noodles by Andy Barrett 2. What Love was by mk2411 3. Seamonkeys have criminal tendencies by Satiety 4. Crying outside the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum by wtate. If you haven't read at least one of these four, then shame on you. (And no Ivory you can't score additional points for IGP Cherries) Anyone any other suggestions for illusionary gold-plated cherries ?
Anonymous's picture
Yes...... "Insider" by Alison Dunne "I Look Up" by Eddie Gibbons
fish (on bro's p.c.)
Anonymous's picture
*still miffed at not being able to play properly but engineer from BT allegedly coming to sort me out on Tues*
Anonymous's picture
Forgive me dear reader for I have little time to squander on such trivial pursuits. I, being of unsound mind, must however protest in the strongest of terms. Having suffered from post traumatic cherry pickers disorder for some 12 years now I feel it my duty to advise against this evil game in which you play. Liana is out to get us all. Do not let her corrupt your beautiful minds. I say this as your friend. Okay, I see dead people. That’s got jack @!#$ to do with it! Yes… I’m alright. 666 The number of the Liana.
Anonymous's picture
*rubbing chin*
Anonymous's picture
some good choices there, andrew and liana. i'd award 2 gpc's: Shopping Forecast - i don't think that this is the author's best poem, but it has cleverness, wit, and more than a little poignany - a combination i can't resist. Goat - currently my favourite poem on the site. original thoughts captured in all the best words. [by, respectively, the King and Queen of abc] * back to the game, i think cherries might be heading in the direction of intensity19.
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
hampsters eh? What do you reckon to that then eric?
Anonymous's picture
cheers rob! x x x
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
can't think what feymowse will make of all this
Anonymous's picture
Liana & kurious, ta for betting your shirts on me poems. Liana got her money back, thankfully. kurious, I suggest you call a Stewards Enquiry because 'Empty Now...' got a cherry on its last outing, so you should get place money on it. Liana, I see the ABC Nutter Magnet is back on full blast.


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