Congratulations, Eddie Gibbons

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Congratulations, Eddie Gibbons

Kudos to Eddie Gibbons on his newly published poetry book titled Stations of the Heart. Eddie's offer to donate 30 per cent to ABCtales per copy sold is nothing less than impressive.

Now where's my cheque-book?

Wonderful news, Eddie!

W H Audenary
Anonymous's picture
Not bad for an amateur. Just to remind people that my own 18 prizewinning Poetry Books are available, signed and Gift Wrapped, at Ta Chucks Christmas Gift Emporium. See General Discussion Thread. The Mighty WHA.
tony cook
Anonymous's picture
Dear All, I've had a few e-mails about the silly 'Much' on the end of my message on this thread. It was meant to be flippant and vaguely amusing. It's clearly been taken as a criticism of Eddie. It isn't. His book has been with me since I bought it and I have been reading bits of it daily. He has a great use of language and a self-deprecatory style that I attempted (foolishly) to imitate. Buy this book! I am not the world's greatest poetry fan but this stuff is witty, accessible and good. Eddie makes some excellent sense - and doesn't waste words (unlike some other fools). Apologies for any misunderstanding caused and genuine congratulations to Eddie. Tell us what you think after you've read his book! Cheers, Tony
Anonymous's picture
I wish to add my voice to the well-deserved praise Eddie has received for his wonderful and varied book. Yes, I know that I'm a friend of his but this is unbiased, I promise! When I met Eddie many years ago he had not "come out" as a poet but I think he felt safe to admit it to me when he discovered I was a writer. I was immediately struck by the quality, humour and depth of his work and am very proud to think that my encouragement may have played a role in fostering his literary career. If there is any justice in the universe then "Stations of the Heart" will become a best-seller. It would make a wonderful Christmas present and is the sort of collection that might even persuade those who claim not to enjoy poetry to change their minds!
Anonymous's picture
Havin' a dig at me, perhaps, dear Eric?
Erics' Lawyer
Anonymous's picture
Dear M's Andrea, My client, Eric A Po'strophe, wa's mos't certainly not 'having a dig' at you. You are, s'adly, but one of millions' on this planet who claim not to enjoy poetry. Part of the blame for this mus't re'side with the poet's. 'Mo'st people ignore poetry becaus'e mos't poetry ignore's people' - Adrian Mitchell. I s'uggest that, a's an act of goodwill, you order 1,000 copie's of 'S'tation's of the Heart' and then pos't your review on the thread's. Argyll Publis'hing will give a generou's 1% dis'count for a bulk order. Buy now to avoid s'pending your money on s'omething els'e! Litigiou'sly your's, Drawde S'nobbig. Procurator Fi'scal.
Irate Diner
Anonymous's picture
Waiter!!! I'd like a well done Eddie A lightly grilled Fish A medium rare leg of Llama and a Stormy in a teacup. Pronto, Tonto!
Anonymous's picture
Dear Mr Bignob, I didn't say I didn't *like* it, exactly - just that I can't understand it, mostly. I will, however, take your undoudtedly well-meaning advice (or do you get a commission?) and purchase 1 (one) copy of Mr Gibbons' book forthwith. ps. Will I get a discount? Yours brokedly, Andrea
Anonymous's picture
Very kind of you to buy the book, Andrea. We wanted to provide a kind of discount by paying for the postage and packing ourselves, but the website payment thingy won't let us do that, so we increased the donation to ABC's Big Issue Fund from 25% to 30% of the cost price. I know this doesn't help you, but it will help someone somewhere.
Anonymous's picture
Yep, many, many congratulations, Eddie. A wonderful achievement indeed! Well done! (er...can I have me dosh now?)
Anonymous's picture
Oh a million congrats to you! Wonderful news.
Anonymous's picture
i have this book in my possession ... there it lies on my bedside table ... and i have to recommend it as a Bloomin Good Read ... go on! ... buy it ...
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
It would make a lovely Christmas gift as well. Thanks for the recommendation, Fish.
Anonymous's picture
I want a signed copy *grumble*
Anonymous's picture
Yours for a mere tenner, Liana!
Anonymous's picture
Hey Barry, You little genius you. AJ :>)
Anonymous's picture
i too can vouch for Stations of the Heart, having bought a copy a little while ago. many of my favourites from the book have not been on abc, so i'd recommend it to all those who enjoy eddie's work.
Danny La Rue
Anonymous's picture
Eddie Is it from a vanity publisher? Hugs. Danny x
Eddie Gibbons
Anonymous's picture
Many thanks for all your support and encouragement. Thanks to you all for helping ABC make this such a great site. Danny No, it is Insanity Publishing - my Editor is quite mad. Eddie
Danny La Rue
Anonymous's picture
Eddie Marvelous. I'll buy it. Could you write a poem about a poodle. TTFN Danny
stanley gibbons
Anonymous's picture
well done barry! you little ingenue you ewe. my copy of stations is by that damn eddie bloke though. we need to stamp out this plagiaristic rhyme. - and upon the courses of rhyme of course ~penny
Roger me (Cough)
Anonymous's picture
like a stake in the heart your poetry is like a dose of andrews. a motion in the intestinal tract; amidst constipated cathartic comas of love blues. a refreshing clear out of the mind reveals treasures hitherto unmined pretension is rare so I'll ask my medium of talent to share with the unwise your charitable stake.
Danny La Rue
Anonymous's picture
Isn't it all glittering? I once knew a savaloy named Andrew. He had a pitch in Wardour Street, he had the jawline of a very youg Chet Baker. We fooled around together of course, but then I was a young man too. Andrew went on to have a fine career in violence. I went on to meet the Queen of course. Three cheers for Mr Gibbons, a mna after my own heart. TTFN Danny x
Anonymous's picture
Fantastic news congratulations i'll have to get myself a copy as soon as possible. The poems i've read on ABCtales have always been great so i have no doubt it'll be a brilliant read. Really impressed at the 30% donation as well.
Ed's (de)Press(...
Anonymous's picture
Ref: Edgib/charlatan/the world must know/file under bile. I think it is time I spoke out about this Gibbons bloke. My employer he may be, but his working methods must be revealed for public scrutiny. I fear they might shock you. Take, for example, the title of his book. This is a shameless steal from the religious canon of the ‘Stations of the Cross’. His original title for the book was ‘Stations of the Slightly Miffed’. This became ‘Stations of the Somewhat Annoyed’. His ‘eureka’ moment came when I suggested that his heart wasn’t in it. He gave me the high fives and then amended it to ‘Stations of the Harte’, hoping to attract the mindless football-loving contingent. To this day he has not noticed that I changed the title at the printing stage. Furthermore, he has not used a single word that has not been used before. If that isn’t plagiarism, I don’t know what is! In his sad little mind he sees himself as a latter-day Roger Me (Cough), whose superior skill is there for us all to see in a previous posting. He longs to be known as the 5000th Beatle and the fourth ‘Liverpool Poet’, alongside Me (Cough), Brain Pattern and Adrian Thierry Henri. No chance, sunshine. And he ain’t fit to lick Stanley’s stamps, let alone his Decals. Miss A Sitter (im)Press(ive) Secretary Thirsty Bewks
Danny La Rue
Anonymous's picture
Dear Miss Shitter In response to the above message. You really want him don't you? Come to one of my shows. I'll sing 'Hello Dolly' for you. That will cheer you up. Three cheers for Eddie. TTFN Danny x
Anonymous's picture
Hello Eddie, Sorry I missed all the celebrations for you last night (night shift at work booo) I would like to congratulate you for this wonderful achievement...... You clever-clogs you! Nice one mate, I look forward to getting the book..
David Taub
Anonymous's picture
Wishing you success with sales... David Taub
Anonymous's picture
Good work Eddie!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I saw Tony Cook reading from eddie's book last night...and a good job he did too, I'ce just ordered it from the site and look forward to reading the rest.
Anonymous's picture
Martin, Did he read it in a Scouse accent? Which poems did he read? *intrigued*
Martin T
Anonymous's picture hint of scouse I'm afraid Eddie....but a nice shiny bald head caught in the lights....
Anonymous's picture
Well, he got that bit of the impersonation right, then. Did it look like a Scouse bald head, though? i.e. like a knocked-off hubcap?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
....uncanny Eddie, you must have been there...
Anonymous's picture
Just back from a reading by Les Murray. Finest poet on the planet. He's another hubcap. Like Tony and me, he shines at readings.
Tony cook
Anonymous's picture
I would like to add my congratulations. My copy (which I bought off the site) is wonderful and has been thumbed by the whole family already - buy lots of copies, everyone, and give them as Christmas/Birthday presents - you won't regret it. Much.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Dear Eddie, I read 'Jesse James Joyce', 'Strange Things, Trains' and 'I Look Up' at the ABCtales evening. Sorry no scouse accent, just my once upon a time Manchester twang now mixed with Devonian burr, Cockney and East Midlands whine. I keep getting taken for an Aussie but I've never even been there - I just pick up the accents of all the places I've lived. In any case we gave the book a good plug and once more I urge you all to buy it off the site. Cheers, Tony
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