Babywatch ...

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Babywatch ...

it's like badgerwatch ... where naturalists gather round a hole and wait for a poor old badger to stick its head out and come out for a frolick in the moonlight ...

i am just very excited and a bit worried waiting for this baby of rachey's ... i feel i should boil some water or something ...

Anonymous's picture
In 30 years time they will have developed pig-cloning techniques to the point where bacon sarnies are in endless supply. *pace, munch* [%sig%]
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
whole office is pacing now - we'll need a new carpet soon.
Anonymous's picture
Then MacDonald's will have no excuse but to use real bacon? But then again, will it be 'real' bacon? 'Guaranteed to taste exactly the same as the last one.'
Anonymous's picture
men have no place in the delivery room ... they are always obsessed by what equipment they should have ... (kit's dad was so intent on assembling all the accoutrements that the midwife listed for the home birth that he almost missed it and got there just in time to do a diving catch ...) ... also men always want to borrow the gas and air as if it's painful for THEM ...
Anonymous's picture
This baby is obviously being delivered by Royal Mail and not DHL.
Anonymous's picture
i have worn out three pairs of all terrain sandals ...
Anonymous's picture
If she arrives tomorrow she will share a birthday with Karl Wiggins!!!! I've re-read "The Mirror", yesterday's "Evening Standard" and "The Mail" four times, anyone got a copy of "The Times?"
Anonymous's picture
In my case, I've found if the birth conincides with a football match, hubby spends a good deal of the time out of harms way, sitting in the car listening to the radio. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Can we attach something to her amniotic sac that when broken sends a radio signal to the phorum...or can we have a web cam Rach? Actually yuck no...I'd pass out!
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
With a David Attenborough voice over or someone a bit more jolly? Definately not Davina McCall. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
cervixcam? You are one sick woman fishcakes!
Anonymous's picture
How about some Baby Shower gifts: I bring Rachel... nail varnish for soon you shall be able to see your toes. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
i bring her a massive pack of maltesers as feeding takes about a billion cals a day, so she can gorge in safety.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Yes , but I've done the Soduko and the Crossword so there's no real point in looking at it.
Anonymous's picture
I bring her a cudgel to reprimand her husband when he lets the baby's head roll backward whilst awkwardly trying to pick the poor thing up (or when baby's nappy is soiled and he hands baby to her, saying, "Baby's nappy needs changing." )
Anonymous's picture
I think she actually needs a taxi!
Anonymous's picture
* wheels in heavy gas and air cylinder * [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Baby on way. Taxi not. Anyone in Hampshire???????????? You are all very kind - thank you! I will keep you posted. She has 1hr 50mins to share a birthday with her dad (hence Taxi), but I fear she may be a Tuesday's child.
Anonymous's picture
ooooohhhhh I am so excited! I think an hour and 50 is unlikely esp as she is your first. I took just over two hours to pop out and I was third! Monday's child is fair of face Tuesday's child is full of grace I think I'd prefer the graceful daughter. Good luck, and lots of prayers to you Rachel and baby C (and of course Dad) jude
Anonymous's picture
still no news? __~
Anonymous's picture
Rachy, if it looks like touch go for Tuesday cross yer legs through Wednesday. Whatever happens DON'T let the little cherub show up on a Wednesday!
Anonymous's picture
Wednesday's child is full of Woe Thursday's child has far to go (I was born on a Thursday so anticipate many more miles!)
Anonymous's picture
Will every one please stop pacing up and down.. You're making me nervous.
Anonymous's picture
Good to see you John! Take a seat... let's just grab another of these plastic chairs... [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Whoopeeee! Baby Lilly's arrived safe and well, chaps... Someone's got to print Rachey off this thread as a souvenir............... [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
* sweeps up dog ends, plastic cups, bacon sandwich crusts........ rearranges plastic chairs....... wakes up Dan * [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Awwww - Just waiting for that wonderful moment when the midwife says, 'Oh I think we should get baby's clothes ready now...' Good luck Rachel x [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
*rushes in from pub looking delighted ...*
Anonymous's picture
blimey this is exciting
Anonymous's picture
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I'm worried about Daisy in all this.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Any news I wonder.....
Anonymous's picture
*finishes knitting pink slipperettes*
Anonymous's picture
Oops - stupid name left over from last night's Dr Finlay's Casebook. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Whilst we're waiting... (Movies played by bunnies in 30 seconds - Titanic, Pulp Fiction...) [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
i am twiddling my thumbs ... surely it must be SOON ... oooo oooo come on rachey .....
Anonymous's picture
SORRY DARLINGS. She's here finally. 54 hours later. She is exquisite. Quite the most beautiful baby in the world, naturally. A tiddler, even though she was well past her date, at 5lbs 11. Born 3am yesterday morning so Wednesday's child although anything but full of woe. Hugely active and alert (thanks to no drugs) and adored by everyone, particularly her daddy. Is the spitting image of daisy and has a full head of hair. Also has about 1000 different expressions and does mean impressions - am especially proud of the hybrid of Les Dawson and Anne Widdecombe. Anyway, this thread has given me a prolapse (and a bit of a weep) and I will def keep it for her for when she's older. Blame fishy for the time lapse - I tried and tried to text her yesterday! Love you all.
Anonymous's picture
Oops forgot to say: she is Lillian Mary Crawford but here I think she will be known as BabyC.
Anonymous's picture
I remember when I had Ellen - I'd been in early labour at home, but when I got through the hospital doors, everything ground to a halt. Your body can go into fright apparently. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
; o )
Anonymous's picture
Nineteen plus hours and emergency episiotomy/forceps for Number One. Sucked dry two tanks of gas, still needed a spinal block. Textbook perfect Number Two, 12 hrs start to finish, but I had 'em plug me into an epidural at 7cm as I wasn't mentally/emotionally able to cope with labour the second time round. Still scarred from Experience Number One. Let's pray Rachel has an easy one.
Anonymous's picture
Sssshhh, AG. ;o)
Anonymous's picture
Here's another one: [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Hey AG - that's almost identical to my two! Tried with just gas and air for hours with Ellen - pushing for two hours after 24 hour labour - eventually gave up and had spinal block and forceps. I could have married the anaethatist on the spot. For Beth when I got to the point when I was about to burst into tears - I found a sympathetic nurse and she arranged an epidural. It was fab after that. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
They should have Internet cafes in Labour rooms so people can be kept informed!
Anonymous's picture
i know jude ... it's very selfish isnt it? ... at least daisy could rush out to a nearby cyber caff and give us hourly updates ...
eggy buns
Anonymous's picture
Did I ever tell you that I have an Aunty BabyC? It was back in 1963... [%sig%]


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