If you don't know what you're talking about should you review/comment on other people's work?
This is sort of a follow on from the last thread. I believe that yes they should.
I am ESN (educationally sub-normal) or at least I assume that I am it's a label I was given from a very young age and nobody has told me that it had a life span that has now expired. I can't write manually (Well I can but you wouldn't want to read it) I have to get my son to write things like Christmas cards and such. My son is ten and I can't help him with his maths or science homework because it is beyond me other than basic addition or subtraction I'm clueless. I literally have not got a clue about the mechanics of writing and vitrually EVERYTHING I've learned, I've leared in the last two years on various writing sites and through reviewing other peoples work.
So does that mean that I should never pass opinion on other people's stuff?
I have as much idea about how a piece should be properly written and punctuated as I have about what the texture of Jupiter feels like .. but I can do a damned insightive line by line word by word review, because I have my strengths, I know people for instance and have a 'feel for what people would or wouldn't do in a given situation. I'm okay with the psychology of a character,. And basically on a much more basic and simple level I know what feels right or wrong to me.
So I know what I like.
On sites with comment boxes I leave something on every single piece that I read. Because I know for myself I love to get comments, even if it's only 'Terribly over-written tripe' which was one that springs to mind. It's frustrating to know that say eight people have read your story, but to not have a clue whether they liked it or not. So I feel that's it's more than just nice to leave a comment I think it's curtesy.
On the last thread someone gave a really good example of people liking dogs rating dog stories highly. I honestly can't see anything wrong with that. I love psycho/horror and am far more likely to give something along those lines a good review than a piece of romantic poetry or sci-fi. Surely what we like in literature comes down to personal taste. I've often said to someone 'Sorry mate this one didn't work for me, but even I can see that it was a fantastic piece of writing'
I think as long as you try to be honest without being hurtful. it's always good to leave a comment.