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So teaching RE is, like, really cool.

I am knackered, but enjoying the whole thing. The problems I thought I'd have, I don't. The problems I never thought would be problems, I do.

I am preparing a worksheet on Hindu pilgrimage and enjoying myself a bit too much. I like the school I've been sent to.

I never have any time to myself, but that's okay. The best thing about RE is that it a lesson that gives pupils a chance to talk about their opinions on hot topics and listen to others. Is quite exciting.

Did I mention I was really tired?

How is everybody?

It sounds like your RE lessons are a million miles away from the stuff I had to endure as a kid. I went to Catholic shools, both primary and secondary, and so I received hellfire, brimstone,damnation and guilt in equal measure for the best part of 13 years. Hinduism? Expressing opinions? Listening to others? If Sister Mary Teresa ever heard about that she'd have the sharp edge of a ruler across the back of your hand before you could say Jesus Christ. Which is exactly what you did say when you got a ruler across the back of your hand.
LOL at your final paragraph Hox. I too endured the horrors of a Catholic education during the sixties so I can vouch for all you say. I emerged from it all with an A level in Guilt and an O level in Gullibility...
I went to Soho as part of an RE fieldtrip. To learn about morality'n'stuff. Or so they told us... :-/ "P"

The All New Pepsoid the Umpteenth!

I went to similar schools to hox christian brothers and religious education... got an a in my o level though :-)
You have an O level in RE? *geneflects*


aye my only A i coulda been a contender, those christian brothers had their eye on me
I loved my Catholic education. The marist sisters who taught me in primary school were lovely! I didn't believe in any of it back then but I enjoyed learning about what I didn't believe in. And it all worked out well in the end. I'm glad you're enjoying it Fergal. I'm looking forward to a job change. Will be working for the vocations office at the Bishop's conference until I enter the convent next year. quite excited really. j


Yeah, well, RE has changed a lot since the old days. For a start it's not about teaching children to be Christians, or religious, for a start. It covers all the world religions from a historical and comparative standpoint, whilst at the same time 'learning about' and 'learning from' religion. It also has citizenship and society stuff in it, and is a chance for kids to talk about things that effect their lives and learn to be good listeners and talkers. And I'm not even sponsored to write that!
surely there is still some fire and brimstone.....warning your young charges about the sin of self love, that sort of thing....
If the Catholic schools (and other religious groups) want state funding they have to lay low on the outright indoctrination side these days.
I'd like to see myself promoting fire and brimstone. It ain't gonna happen. Actually, I'd just like to see myself find a job I can actually do with an element of panache. I'm crap at teaching too, but am sticking with it. I can't 'act' and teachers need to do that. I've got good intentions but what do they do?
I can't see why religion isn't taught as one of the world's great evils. Surely it is a self-perpetuating disease of thinking, where no one sect, cult or religion can possibly believe that they are in the wrong? If anything, religion should be taught of an example of intolerance, strict uniformity and self-righteousness - it represents an organism that is so far removed from Humanism to be that evil I mentioned earlier. The spiritual side of human nature will never go away, but it's hi-jacking by every fucked up religion should be dissuaded, not promoted - accepting them as if they're 'okay' - you might as well teach them Nazism, as the Nazis and every mainstream church in existence has roughly the same sick history. Personally, Jesus got it right - what was it he said? 'Hey guys, why don't we, like, settle our differences and get along, yeah? - Of course, 2 thousands years of sexism, racsim, torture and genocide followed... Teaching RE as if it's a subject worthy of 'modern humans' - madness! Teach RE as how this is a perverse disease of thinking has killed millions, and forced billions to live in misery - yes!
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