Thu, 2005-11-24 00:19
Today my insidious bullying twat of a boss got sacked (pending an appeal of course..HAHAHAHA) for allegedly browsing porn on the net at work.The scummy lttle twerp even tried to drop someone else in the shit, rather than take it on the chin.
And so near christmas as well.......*sob sob*.......nevermind eh? ;-0)
Have you lot got any good boss or bad boss stories?
Well good for you flash, I have experience of bullying within the workplace and know through bitter vicarious experience how damaging it can be.
as of this morning I am unemployed for the first time in over five years (only for a fortnight but good god it's nice)
I think I'll go make another cup of tea, and then... nothing much... *bliss*
The worst I ever had was a man called Maurice who was the MD at Centre Radio in Leicester. He was brought in by the dreadful board to save the station - it later went bust. On that fateful day, he'd left on 'a sailing trip' and was unavailable. The Programme Controller was kicked out a few days earlier. That left me to carry the can. I had a crowd of three thousand outside wanting to know what had happened - I had ITN and the BBC with cameras. No Board member could be found. I didn't know precisely what had happened - so I just told them it was run by a bunch of idiots and we, the staff, had been left in the lurch.
But that isn't the best story about old Maurice. He had a wicked temper and would shout first, and, occasionally, listen second. In any case something on the news had upset him one morning. It was pretty minor but he was in ace 'butt-kicking' mood. He flung open the newsroom door and proceeded to f, blind and c at me and at Stewart Bint (what a name), the morning Editor. After about five minutes of pure undiluted invective, during which he had picked up little Stewart and pinned him to the wall so he could go face to face and yell at him, he finally shut up. I then introduced him to the two people who were standing beside me. The Chief Constable and the Bishop of Leicester.
One-nil to the Newsroom!
It is written in the annals of radio geeks the land over that Tony eventually got the last word on Centre Radio.
Literally. At three minutes past seven on the evening of October 6th, 1983, to be precise.
Listen to Tony sounding rather more cocker-knee than he does now!
John H
Hahaha, Tony sounds like a shopping channel salesman!
I liked the last one.
'Thank you for your continued support.'