Your views and opinions wanted !

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Your views and opinions wanted !

Hello to all writers who use this site. I'm David and I'd like to welcome you all to pass on your opinions on my submitted work. I'm new to and I'm just interested in what you think really !

Good luck with your writing projects and have a great Christmas.

Hello, David. The protocol for this site is: if you want comments on your work, it's best to also comment on others' work. We're all busy tap-tapping away, trying to make a go of writing. To respectfully warn you, asking for feedback on your work straight away without contributing to others' work first will elicit some ofttimes very catty and/or unhelpful comments (or stony silence) from many on this site. Pay them no mind, but do offer feedback to others. It's appreciated. It's also helpful if you put a hyperlink to your work so we don't have to trawl through everything to get there. Good luck!
Hello to you archergirl ! Thanks for letting me know I might encounter cattishness at some point ! I plan to get round to contributing feedback but I feel a little hesitant to critique others' work at the moment. Just want to get used to the site first ! I'm cool if no-one wants to post anything but the option's there if you want to. I will look into the hyperlink thingy and set that up. Definitely worth saving everyone the trawl ! Thanks again
Hi David, If you're here long enough you'll encounter just about everything. Don't let your 'newness' here prevent you from commenting. Most people on here are very good at offering honest opinions on others' work, without being too brutal. Feel free to join the Gen Diss forum as well if you want to get to know some of the people on the site. Welcome!
Trust her... really. I learnt the hard way. *still crying*
People who do this here are *so* much better treated than people who do it on Deviantart. There, they get their threads locked and people posting random abusive stuff, 'cos it's all one giant in-joke.
Thanks for the support, I definitely didn't want to seem pushy. I'm looking forward to getting round the site and having a read of everyone's work-some of it looks really good. You don't have to comment on my stuff of course-just wanted to introduce myself really. I think I've been fair warned ! Cheers
I agree, He introduced himself and asked politely for views on his work...not an 'ASAP' in sight! Welcome David.
And hello to you Camus !
You're right, Liana and JC, but I thought a caveat wouldn't go amiss, just in case he didn't get a response to posted work right away.... Had a look at 'Garlic', too. Pretty good; like the oil imagery. Anyhow...
I'll regret that 'ASAP' until the day I die. *sigh*
Yeah that was a mistake. I thought the stories were good. Why did everyone get mad when I asked if someone would review my story. I ask just as nice and people tear my head off. I guess people feel it's easy to boss around a fourteen year old. If ignorence is bliss I'm the happiest kid on earth.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Ah that’s a little unfair there, Mike. I’m sure the majority didn’t bite your head off. An awful lot of work is posted daily on this site because it is so huge. The feedback thing is just a case of joining the queue and when people expect feedback immediately just because they ask for it, it smacks of queue jumping. You have had at least some feedback all ready I think, which is pretty good I reckon and more than most. There is a ‘Tips for using this Forum’ note pinned to the top just to avoid people getting tetchy about this sort of thing. Unfortunately, few seem to take the time to read it.
Hello again you were brave enough to come back! I really like your writing, in particular your poem Garlic and your prose piece Little White Lies, that's as far as my critique goes though I'm afraid..perhaps someone more knowledgeable about writing can do better, me I just really enjoyed reading them and look forward to more.
Welcome David - and congratulations on your cherry for Little White Lies. See separate thread!
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