Editors And Moderators

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Editors And Moderators

Well, I've just got myself banned from another website. What I did was to reveal the location of a fetish club in Huddersfield which is supposed to be terribly, terribly secret (although the people who go there know where it is). As also do the locals, since it was forced to apply for a sex establishment licence and was the ongoing subject of discussion in the "Huddersfield Daily Examiner" - these people are so naive or just don't know how to use the internet.

I got warned on a birdwatching website, not for revealing rare bird nestsites but for making a joke about Americans.

As for UKA, they didn't like Hotmail users and I wasn't prepared to switch for their convenience so I left. And the Canadian psychopath who tried to recruit ABC writers to her site ... well, I don't think any of us lasted more than a day or two.

Which brings me to ABCTales - it's so nice to be on a site that isn't full of suppressed secrets, humour bypass or with paranoid or megalomaniac "moderators", even outright idiots here are given a fairly long leash. Thanks Tony and co, I really appreciate it.

Hmmm, yes. I recently had a run in with WritersLink. That has a whole group of moderators who remove stories that have the word 'fuck' in them, or anything else vaguelly 'offensive' on the premise that they are protecting the innocent. Pathetic. I told them that they ought to go down the library with their marker pen and blank out anything unsavourary, and maybe burn a few books that might upset that one person in a thousand who had mental problems. Johnny Rotten said 'Fucking cunt!' before the 'watershed' on I'm a Celebrity in front of 11 million viewers. They got nine complaints. Needless to say, the forum thread was deleted as not 'being suiitable', even though the debate (at least on the side of freethinking/writing) was very interesting. But it's not about protection, but control, allowing jumped up little Mail reading jobsworths to have some 'power' in their tiny little world. But it wasn't just swearing - anything they considered 'unsuitable, or violent, or anything, was either altered or deleted. And this was a site for writers!! They didn't even get it. Still, if I'm going to be nasty (which I wasn't on Writers Link), the site owner does own a few horses and lives in some forgotten English world of village fetes and apple pie.
Thankyou - it isn't always easy!
I've had no problems with my hotmail account on uka, then again I don't us that much. All writers sites are the same, you get the same bullshit everywhere.
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