Cut to the Chase
I have this pile of rejected manuscripts (I'm going to arrange them in a heap, label it 'Rejection' and flog it to a gallery ' eat your heart out, Tracey). Anyway, digging through this quite impressive pile, I noticed someone had started to edit one copy. Ooh, free edit, I thought, cool. But then I saw that they'd put a dirty great line through the first page and a half!
Now, I did sulk, I admit it, but it got me thinking (ooh yuk ' how Carrie Bradshaw, sorry) do many writers tend to create overlong, unnecessary openings to their stories (not unlike this post, in fact). I certainly find it happens in films. I've frequently watched a film after missing the beginning, found it engaging, powerful etc., seen the beginning at a later date and found it to be totally superfluous. So maybe my anonymous editor had a point. Anybody found the same thing? Am I in good company here, or was it just a really crap first page and a half?
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