Grin Gringe

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Grin Gringe

This certainly cheered me up. I loved it. Excellent job BBF. Congratulations on the cherry pick. Keep it up (as I know you will).

I like it. It works to leave the reader trying to imagine an 'effigy of yesterday'. Joe
I didn't think it was a particularly 'cheerful' poem; rather bittersweet and nostalgic. Loved the last stanza in particular, as it swept visually up through the air. Very nice, indeed!
No indeed. Infact if they are pretty and cheerful they piss me off. 'delight at the portly men in satin shorts holding hands with each other', the above image cheered me up even though it was not intended for us!
Well, lah dee dah. I know it wasn't me you were trying to cheer up, so what does it matter that it didn't? Flowery and pretty poems aren't necessarily cheerful either. That doesn't mean it wasn't a good poem. Next time I won't say anything at all. Sheesh.
What? Neglect my duties? Never. Even if I have to put up with sarky comments from other eds.
the more poems with the word 'ginge' in the title the better, I say.
Your innocence is rawther charming...
Fantastic poem. Bitter-sweet... bitter-sharp? I love it. I think it really does for me what so many poems just don't do (for me)... touch on a fragment of life experience and make it something universal. You say you wrote it for a friend, but it could be written for so many people is what I'm trying to say. Thanks for putting it out there.
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