We'll tour the coffee houses

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We'll tour the coffee houses


This poem has made me want to call in sick and buy plane tickets...to anywhere! (Vienna would be nice).

I enjoyed the easy tone and I loved the part about the postcards. Also the ending made me smile.


I will clal in sick with anyone who wnats me to go more or less anywhere, bored bored bored. work is boring. This poem however, is not boring. Not in the least. Span
Somebody likes Belle and Sebastian! Anyhow, I love the fact you managed to end the poem with the word 'Rugrats'. You're making non sequitir endings something of a trademark.
This is lovely. I'm sorry not to be more use than that, I haven't got anything especially profound to say. I'm listening to a CD I have made and it makes me smile and so does this. Hundreds and thousands on my hot chocolate please, and goulash and strudel if you'd be so kind...
Fabalicious. I liked the "flinching like a recuperating rottweiler" victim line, in particular. Joe
Thanks guys. I think i've *borrowed* from Belle and Sebastian before as well. I'm sure they won't mind. I'm building up to having a collection of Vienna based poems. Not all of them will end with the word Rugrats
Great opening line in particular. You're a tough one to critique, monsieur, because every bit of odd rhythm or over-extended metaphor seems to be done for comic effect - and so succeeds!
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