The Man In Avery

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The Man In Avery

I just added this one a couple of days ago, and would like to know what you think. Any response would be greatly appreciated.

Just read your story and found it to be very entertaining. Starts off sweetly and takes a surprising turn which I love (I'm a sucker for gut-punch twists) and I think the uncomfortable or 'nasty' aspects were handled very well. You deal with it in an unflinching way without making it seem overdone and painful to read, which is a hard trick to master and a lot of horror authors could learn from it. There's a couple of bits at the start that I feel could do with some editing and the ending was maybe a little cheesy for me but these are niggles that are probably down to my impatience/sick mind. Overall a very good job.
Thank you for the comment, and I do agree that the ending is a little cheesy. I don't want to leave the reader feeling completely miserable though, my aim is to get them to understand that there are less obvious assumptions out there and the ones we deny are sometimes ingrained in us no matter what we do. I'll definetly do some editing.
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