Chase - Bright Eyes

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Chase - Bright Eyes

This is rad. Tons of great lines:

"a myth on it's tea break. To think,
I could have cuffed you."

"Even the cemetaries -
jampacked ghost embassies -"

And oh oh oh, what an ending! Classy.

Not sure about:
"I double-took at a twist of jade
and it splintered into water."
I lost you here, K.

And I thought this inversion a bit wonky:
"where once I'd seen you sit"

Also the repitition of "where" stuck out, for me:
"So where to find you now?
I've tried everywhere"


Thankings aplenty droogs! Many useful suggestions there - I'm going to do a spot of editing with them. And danke for the Deutsch version of Bright Eyes, Herr MacJoyce. Es gefällt mir sehr gut! PS: Yeah, I just spelt cemetery wrong - no Morrisseyesque coolness to declare. b x

"I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

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