And the Germans have words like 'geschichtemeisterin'. I loved my German classes at Uni.
I'm glad you like your job, Peps. Anyone who can find something fun about their job is well-placed, methinks.
I used to work with Bosnian refugees. We had one cleint whose surname was 'Supcic' (pronounced 'shoop chich'), which, apparently, means 'arsehole'. The Bosnians in the office had to hold their bellies trying to keep from laughing every time they spoke to him.
Er, I DID do anthropology at university. I also took classes in German, Spanish, philosophy, and physics, amongst other things. We have nice, well-rounded university education in the States; they don't expect you to just study one thing to death, at the expense of knowing anything else but your main subject.
You know, I only asked out of interest, just curious, 'cos I studied Anthropology at Uni too.
Couldnt remember if it was you.
Didn't meant to sound like I was digging you out.
Mr Arsehole... oh dear... makes me feel better about my name! (my real name, that is)
*** pepsoid ***
[[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]
* Kneels on floor with head in hands, groaning like a good'un *
*** pepsoid ***
[[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]
I think 'Kaput' is a wonderfully useful word which is almost universally understood.
In Thailand the weather is usually like it is here at the moment and so they often use ribbed, relatively rigid, rubberised covers.
The chilled glass slips in and they cover the lower two-thirds and keep the drinks cool, and also stop them slipping out of sweaty hands.
These things are wonderfully effective but occasionally one will develop a small hole and it will blow bubbles.
A condition known locally as 'condom kaput'.
I don't have much use for either form of 'condom' but I do have the occassional soft drink with the ex-pats. Yeah, off fairly soon now Lippy... you KNOW you're going to miss me!
Sorry, josiedog, if I sounded defensive! :-) I get a lot of flak from certain segments of the population, who always interpret what I say as bragging when it clearly isn't.
It is a peculiarly British thing to consider the owning up to intelligence/more than a rudimentary level of education to be "bragging." The infamous Tall Poppy Syndrome... One should be proud to be poor, uneducated, etc, etc... Of course, one should not be ashamed to be any of these things, but neither should one be ashamed to be the opposite. I, for one, am intelligent, funny and stunningly gorgeous to boot... and anyone who says otherwise will receive a poke on the knee with a sharp paperclip!
*** pepsoid ***
[[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]
I haven't a clue where the term comes from, either. I've always understood it to be about success though, rather than intelligence. For example, when the media laud an up and coming person in the public eye, only to start slagging them off as soon as they become 'too' successful. Tall poppy in need of cutting down to size, I guess.
Merely stating you have a degree wouldn't make you a tall poppy though, Peps. Too many people have them. Myself included. I'm only 4ft2.
In my understanding, and without resorting to googling, in the simplest of terms, Tall Poppy Syndrome refers to the need/desire for certain individuals, organisations or whatever, to "chop the heads off" the "poppies" who have grown larger than all the rest. This can relate to intelligence, success or all manner of things. My personal knowledge of such comes from mine and my other half's under- & post-graduate psychological studies, so the phrase may have a different meaning in "layman's" terms.
Re italics, if you click on the "More information about formatting options" link below (or ), it tells you how to do italics, bold type and all sorts of lovely gubbins!
*** pepsoid ***
[[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]
Remove your garden implement from my erect and upstanding stamen at once!
As it happens, I don't even have a first degree - although I do have several parts of one...
*** pepsoid ***
[[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]
Archergirl I don't think that anyone thinks you are bragging for the sake of bragging, that would be just downright silly of them wouldn't it?
I think the problem is that they are just so amazed at just how much you have managed to fit into your 36 years, do you have just the one degree or is that the one that you never finished?
P.S Mykle, why do you keep teasing us with the fact that you are giving us a bit of peace for a while, please just tell us when you are going so that we don't have to pop back in until you actually have gone!
Archer Girl's intelligence and humour shines through her posts as does the jealousy in yours, sad Sag.
I'll be off in five or six years. Please feel free to pop back a week or two early :O)
"they are just so amazed at just how much you have managed to fit into your 36 years":
I have done some thinking on this comment, saggyhairyarseladee; you are right. It is amazing. In my 36 years I:
attended University 5 times, but finished only one degree (plus part of a Master's, but 'part' doesn't count); my student debt runs to the tens of thousands. I also hold a certificate to teach TEFL and a certificate which allows me to work as a medic on an ambulance (now expired).
had at *least* 31 jobs, some interesting, most menial
lived in three countries
lived in 9 cities and around 25 different houses at last count
learned to speak two languages besides English with relative fluency, and a smattering of several others
the number of lovers I've had, male and female, is not your business.
I've had the good luck to have lived an extremely rich and full life, so far; I consider it a great blessing to have had these experiences and feel no need to devalue my life to myself or to anyone else. I have no reason to make any of this up, although I could, but why should I? Life is far more interesting than fiction. That other people haven't done the things I've done, and either resent or disbelieve me, is really a matter for them to sort out, not me. Some people choose to explore life; some people choose to sell insurance in Milton Keynes.
So what?
Well, I thought it was, too, when I was thirteen, which was when I watched it. The 'C' word, you know, is scandalous at that age, especially where I come from.
I'm quite taken with the pen name of our new/old member - Mandy Lifeboats :O)
Somehow it seems to sum up the state of the world even better than Styx's "We are all going to hell in a handcart."
Mandy Lifeboats... Man de lifeboats!
Oh Buddha, I've only just got it...
* !duh! *
*** pepsoid ***
[[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
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The All New Pepsoid the Second!
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The All New Pepsoid the Second!
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The All New Pepsoid the Second!
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