Slowly and with Feeling by Georgie
Wed, 2006-08-23 10:10
Slowly and with Feeling by Georgie
Congratulations, Georgie.
Great story. I like your sense of humour.
I can empathise with your protagonist. One of my old college mates - a guy I once beat in a writing competition - has gone on to become a world-famous novelist. My consolation is that I genuinely can't stand his stuff. Pretentious, over-wrought, clever-clever.
Well done again. I look forward to reading more.
I really like this story - although I feel that the ending is weak and could do with some work - but I like things to have neat endings or very open ones and this falls between the two stools.
It's story of the week so I must like it!
Late to this, had the time to spend on it this morning, but wanted to add praise. It's excellent, and the ending is anything BUT weak, imo.
I agree with Cath. I love the ending. A brilliant play on words.
Thanks for the responses (and thanks to ABC for making it story of the week). I think tcook might have a point. My original ending had the actual shorthand characters enlarged and scanned into the text (the character for "Sal" really does look like a sleeping child!), but I couldn't do that online, so the ending loses a little potency. Probably unrealistic to expect readers to learn Teeline in order to enrich their understanding of my prose.