Not if Iran gets in first.
A nuclear capability outside her borders, that Iran neither knows the whereabouts of, or has the capability of neutralising, is a far greater deterrent than a bomb in a plane at a known airfield. Even the Iranians can see that.
On the contrary, Israel IS a peace loving nation, and if left alone I'm sure they'd prove it.
In the meantime it has no choice but to do whatever is necessary to ensure its survival, which may mean, (if the UN sits on its useless hands again), 'neutralising' the Iranian threat.
I'd be willing to bet that when Iran test fired their missles from their submarine, there was a fast attack submarine within 2000 meters of it getting acoustic signatures and practicing their targeting and the Iranians didn't even know it.
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Alright then, I should qualify. The Israeli Likud party, born out of the terrorist activities of the Irgun organisation (including bombing the King David Hotel in the 1940s and killing 90 odd people). "Their commander' Menachem Begin becoming Prime Minister. Then Ariel Sharon, whose solution to a conflict was "force, and if that doesn't work, more force". Not exactly a picture of peace loving. But you're probably right to point out the error: it's not the nation. I'm sure on the whole the people of Israel are peace loving and humane. It's the terrorists who've hijacked the government that aren't.
Well I disagree with you on that point too. Why is it when 'we' do something of a military nature it's ok but when others do it, it's terrorism?
Falklands war, included sinking the Belgrano as she ran away, killing everyone on board. The submarine log book mysteriously 'disappeared'! yeah right.
Didn't we drop some bombs on Dresden?
Don't get me started on British treatment of aborigines...
The Israeli government is doing what they believe is necessary to preserve their nation and country. Britain would do exactly the same in the same circumstances, as would any nation determined to survive. Get off that bloody press fuelled band-wagon, it makes you look like a sheep.
you can disagree all you like, but you don't need to be so bellicose when you do it. My view is my view, and has nothing to do with the press, which I tend not to read much. And who said I differentiated UK actions from Israeli or anyone else's? That's your interpretation, and nothing to do with what I actually think, which is probably similar to you in some respects, (e. g., why is it currently OK for the UK to plan to spend billions on a new Trident, but not OK for Iran to develop its own?) - save on the Zionist aspects of Israel. Interestingly, many Jewish people and organisations think much the same.
Bellicose? I don't think so.
I found your suggestion that the Israeli government are terrorists a little irritating, and reminiscent of the attitude of those that think Israel has no right to defend herself against the surrounding 'infidel' hating hordes. It's become very fashionable to hate America and Israel of late. You're gonna have one hell of a shock if that evil bastard that leads Iran does actually get a nuclear device to play with.
The big difference Reckless is that Iran has stated that they want Israel wiped from the map, which would mean the destruction of a couple of million people. Israel has never stated that they want Iran wiped from the map. There are times when one has to make a stand, and I know which side I'm on.
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