ABC Channel 5 Docu

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ABC Channel 5 Docu

i love channel five docs ... mainly due to their terribly unambiguous titles ... they do just what it says on the tin ... ahem

the boy whose skin fell off - the woman who sniffed all the time... the 80year Old Children ... etc.

so i was wondering if they made documentaries about the members of abctales ... what would they be called?

the first one that came to mind was

Hox - The Man Who Wore Slippers

Pepsoid - The Man Who Could Not Stop Posting


Yan - the man who couldn't stop wanking.
Archergirl - the woman who does everything by degrees.
Sorry to newbies who might not get this Ely-the man who made the world fall out of his bottom. jude "Cacoethes scribendi" is external)


Missi - The Man Who Couldn't Use A Towel
Fish... the woman who lived in a shed. Tony Cook... the man with no hair Mark Brown ...the man with hair


Stephen Gardiner ... The man in the ironed shirt. Ralph ... A la recherche du wimps perdu Liana ... The Diary of an Edwardian Country Lady
Pepsoid ... The man who put the "anal" in Banal
Tony Cook - The Man To Whom You Should Never Say "It's As Easy As ABC" Stormy - The Man Who Admires Jeremy Clarkson And Sees Trolls Everywhere, And Probably Likes To Eat Vegetarians, But Otherwise Seems An OK Sort Of Bloke Fish - The Woman Who Is My All Time Favourite ABCtales Person Because She Gave Me Great Encouragement When I First Joined And Inspired Me To Keep Writing When I Might Otherwise Have Given Up is external) Stormy... where does one begin... or fathom the bit in the middle... or end?


Fergal - The Woman Who Said Trailed My Tongue Up Towards His Penis At An Abctales Reading Event And Hox Subsequently Fainting


Fish - The Woman Who Witnessed A Clematis Attack


Robert - The Man Who Cuts Down Neighbour's Wind Chimes


Poetjude - The Nun Who Ran


Mickleberry - The Man Whose Arse Contains His Brain Dare Not Fart


Stephen Gardiner - The Man Who Wrote Lists Nobody Needed


hey bruce! ... i remember ...
Rachel- The woman who put up with continuous chests about her jest.... erm jests about her chest rather.
Justyn Thyme - The Man Who Always Wore Velvet
Poetjude - The Woman Who Said No to God.


All prophets do that. Poet Jude -The woman with a lizard in her pants missi - God bless him and all who stand on him stormy -The man who squawked and got everyone else squawking peps - he's one life short of a nirvana. camus - the woman who ate a lemon ralph - the comedian who wore brooches archergirl - big old funny haired booby woman needs young tadge who else.... maddan - the man who squeaks juliet - the woman of a man's dreams stephen d - DA BOMB yan - incredibly fertile male with a lovely, tight butt. radio denver - rambo pamby mambo There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Alumgoonyan, The Negative 'Man' Who Sees Everything In Reverse. (Especially himself.) Mykle, The Man Who Refuses To Look In Mirrors For Fear Of The Truth. (That 'couldn't' should have been 'wouldn't', albeit on a selective basis. I'm a reformed character now, that joke got boring.)


Smikey - The man who resembled a repugnant tit. Missi - The man who swore and swore...... and swore. Stormy- The man who rode a jetski and a blow up doll with equal and unashamed panache in the general diss forum. john- Ace internet dyslexic defective, who announced to the world he'd unearthed a major internet scam...that didn't quite turn out to be. Jeff Prince- The man who was a grammar and punctuation guru, who was neither a Jeff or a prince. Jaspiee- The man whose friends were archergirl and Smikey. :-S Rita- The woman who typed gibberrrrrrrisssssh.
Yan: The man who would be remembered...for nothing. Tony Cook: The man that put up with more shit than was allowable by law. Mississippi: The man that would be happier living in Nashville. Flash: The man that would be chicken. Pesky: The woman that would someday be my wife (if only she came to her senses) Archergirl: The woman that roared..and roared...and roared. Meow. Jude: The woman that admired monolithic symbols. Fergal: The woman that I know nothing, absolutely nothing about, but never realised until this very moment. Hen/Jack: The boy who would be man. Visit me is external)

Share your state secrets at... is external)

Fergal - The Woman Who Was Quite Ginger
Radio Denver- The man who was almost as interesting as an episode of the Dukes of Hazzard. Fish and Pesk- Two women soon to be Mapp and Lucia
"Fish and Pesk- Two women soon to be Mapp and Lucia" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ralph-The man who like tell people he was going places, but even though he never quite got there, he still wore flowers in his (singular)hair. Marchioness- The woman who pretended to be black, for some bizarre and ridiculous reason. Stuart- The man who finally went away.
Hox and Flash - two men with slapped faces. is external) Good fun this... I got another 'stormy' one... err... wot was it now? Stormy: the man who... err... carn't remember it now... sumat about him having a blockage up his bum and not being able to poo like wot normal ABCers can poo... ne'er moind: the moment's gone. I hope you get better soon, Stormy. Up the dosage of the little blue ones and decrease the dosage of the distilled juice of the barley, there's a good chap. * pats poor drink-sodden Stormy on the head in a patronising way*


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