Weird Voyage Loveward

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Weird Voyage Loveward

what do you think, imagine, prejudicially believe, etc??

That we have. One would think people might conceive that I don't cave at a barrage of un-aimed V-1 rocket bombs. See, back when I was a paid newspaper columnist, I had an interesting experience. After I foolishly gave a popular coffee-house a poor review, some right-wing radio commentator wrote a letter to the editor condemning me in the foulest terms. I didn't retalliate and, in a nut-shell, my column enjoyed unprecedented popularity for months to come. See, many times I've faced death with only a flinch, and I'm simply unconcerned with this. I'm not Trying to attract the ridiculous dog-fight of last time, but my resolve to share my message was only tempered and sharpened by it.
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
Thank you, and the many foully derisive voices of the previous thread, for illustrating my points so well!! One only needs to look at a history of the world to see what vindictiveness and accusations of egotism are attracted by most great creations; One only needs to peruse the history books to see this. This is because "greatness," though the word is over-valued, by its very nature runs against the grain... and mainly listens to itself. My ideas regarding selective capitalization and poet-selected spelling descend from Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, and Emily Dickensen, among others. My social ideas, though individualized, were re-inforced by the likes of Rudyard Kipling, Robert Frost, and others. Now, and I'm only addressing the intelligent few who frequent this forum, I'll point out that if my work seems far out, it's because I'm theatrically correcting modern trends that have gone radically too far. If the common 3rd world workers of this earth continue to be exploited in the way that's been occuring, there shall be violence and gory famine such as has not been seen since World War I. In order to poetically express these ideas, I've allowed my privilleged American self to be all but crucified by poverty and malice. Because of these reactionary deeds of first world Neros and Stalins, I'm now forced to call for help from the most Radical leftist forces. I'd glady accept political asylum in Cuba, Venezuala, Laos, or North Korea. la gente primero, Sean Lawlor Nelson
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
Sean, you don't need to adopt a wrathful persona to justify wrathful writing. You don't need to be angry to everyone to prove there are things in the world worth being angry about. You don't have to proclaim your difference for others to notice that you are different. if you spend your time trying to self consciously present yourself as a certain thing, people will only recognise that you're trying very hard to present a certain thing, without paying attention to what the content is of the thing you're trying to present. Concentrate on writing, not fighting. There just isn't enough words in the day for both. At not least not until you're very good at one or the other of them. Or both. Cheers, Mark


Hi Mark B. and others, To start with, my words aren't intended to unnecessarily offend or anger. Indeed, I'm aware that I'm using the free-press tradition of the Western world to lambast its dominant parties. However, where you may misperceive, is in thinking that I'm self-conscious. My mind and body are polluted by arsenic from unsanitary gold-mining practices in Thailand, which seeped into the seafood I ate daily. Who made these practices, which hurt my friends the Thai peasants even more than me, possible? Who buys the gold that may yet make up my crucifix? The USA, which funded and armed the suppression of Thailand's communist revolution, and kept the current, brutal regime in place. As far as whether I'm good at writing, I leave the question in the hands of my numerous admirers and in those who'll write the history of our period; It's not unlikely I'll have my page in the literary section, but it's a small point, as any human is tiny in true perspective. I will point out that though my writing hasn't yet attracted mass notice, it hasn't been overlooked by the "department of homeland security," presumably the agency responsible for putting me on America's "no fly list," although I don't recall ever really threatening violence. My peaceful trust being thus betrayed, I've become a warrior as my key-board has become my weapon. But by heralding the strength and bloody resolve of the world socialist movement, I act toward balance and thus toward PEACE! And those who actually read my work will notice that much of it is restrained and attemptedly humorous. friendly and pacific regards, Sean Lawlor Nelson
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
Sean, may I direct you towards this thread with good intent. There is hope for you yet.
or this one...............................................
I assume that you are serious in wanting criticism of this poem, so for what it's worth, here's what I think. Most of it reads more as narrative than as poetry - breaking narration into lines doesn't make it a poem. There are a number of typos and spelling mistakes that detract from any appreciation a reader might feel. It paints the persona as grandiose and self-centred. The line "some billions burning balls of cosmic flung light." I like very much - this is, to me at least, a really evocative image beautifully phrased, and although some might not like the alliteration, I tried to find alternatives to any of the three B words that would be as effecitve, and could not. So for me the alliteration works. In summation, I believe that there is a kernel of talent showing through in this poem, but it is smothered by ego. I think that if you could forget yourself a bit then your writing would improve greatly. Cathy
I don't have too much to say; I re-checked "Weird Voyage Loveward" and found one insignificant typo: "1 st" I'm interested in what thoughtful people think about my poetry... and I don't mind your comments, CJ; I was lucky to stumble on the phrase "some billions burning balls of cosmic flung light." But my interest doesn't come from any need whatsoever to have my literary abilities confirmed; My skills in this respect are known far and wide. My ambitions are great, far beyond becoming "a Famous! poet." Rather, I'm trying to follow the true bardic path, striving for a reverent and inspired space in this wilting, cyborg age. On a more technical note, I was paid to do technically correct writing at the age of sixteen, at the same time nearly acing the verbal section of the SAT. Then I went on to university to learn technically correct thinking... and in exchange, they let me poetically sell the people their land back to them on TV. Well, I don't give a fuck about what's correct no more. The English language is already being spread as a decor of imperialism. I couldn't honestly call myself a "poet" at all if I didn't subvert it a bit. And I've already crossed the Tiber... I get my bread now from the hungry and the angry and as they'll fight with pitch-forks, I'll slay capitalist dragons with my pen.
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
Well fair enough Mr Nelson, but why ask us if you're just going to tell us that you don't give a flying? Cathy
Hey Cathy!, I could quote Cat Stephens and say, "WHY NOT?!" Or repeat one of my recent poems: "to truly be a poet is to let it all fly till it becomes you: one ascending bird of cosmic eye view." But the simpler reason I post, even when unwelcome with many, is that I'm seeking recognition for my creations and myself. And being dismissed or panned doesn't bother me that much... because I know the diamond solid value of some of my writings. I've heard it from professors, janitors, on-the-roaders, and from my higher self. But that's just like a bridge-builder saying, "We built a hell of a bridge." It doesn't mean that I don't have my depressions and insecurities. Nor does it mean that I don't like truly contemplative advice. And it doesn't mean I don't appreciate constructive criticism, like I received from Mark on this thread. pacific and friendly regards, SLN
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
"My social ideas, though individualized, were re-inforced by the likes of Rudyard Kipling, Robert Frost, and others." "Because of these reactionary deeds of first world Neros and Stalins, I'm now forced to call for help from the most Radical leftist forces. I'd glady accept political asylum in Cuba, Venezuala, Laos, or North Korea." Sean, love, I don't think you can really be in with Rudyard Kipling and 'radical leftist forces' at the same time. I would advise against seeking asylum in Venezuela because it's always risky trying to get into a country that you can't spell. I'd advise against the others because Communist dictators tend to take an even dimmer view of maverick poets than your detractors in the 'first world'. That said, I imagine there's plenty of really nice people in North Korea who'd quite like to get out, so if you could negotiate a swap deal you might achieve some good which may exceed the contribution to the world made through your poetry.


... and I can only thank the department of homeland security from the bottom of my heart :) Juliet just joshing Sean, but have they really put you on the 'no fly list' for witing poetry? And what is the no fly list? All flights including domestic or just international flights or just flights returning to the US (sorry :) and how do you know you are on it?


"And I've already crossed the Tiber... I get my bread now from the hungry and the angry and as they'll fight with pitch-forks, I'll slay capitalist dragons with my pen." Interesting. Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon. Are you in with JC?
For amusement, I'll throw out a few comments. Really, I try to rise above the labyrinths that can confine peoples' thoughts. It's in this spirit that I can freely admire some virtues of Rudyard Kipling. His best stories and poems idealize small, rough-hewn soldiers and workers. In this way, an individual's true thoughts shine through what delusions they have. Of all of his works, I best love the poem: "Gunga Din." And as for Julius Caesar, I view him as an inspiring figure... one who was only moving against a "democracy" that had been thoughrily poisoned by elitist interests. But my knowlede of ancient history, though extensive, isn't good enough for me to judge the true character of a man I never knew, acting in a society I only know through books. The "no-fly-list" is a sordid affair, compiled by the US government, and used by top corporations to black-ball individuals from a large number of privilleges, such as flying anywhere. Huge numbers of liberal activists have found their way onto this list, although by hiring a lawyer the more prominent of these usually get their names removed. For example, I spent the last month of my time in Thailand on Ko Tao with a member of the American communist party who'd been thus exiled and was waiting out the legal process. As I, quite ill, tried to redeem my ticket with a U.S. based airline, I was informed that there was a security block. The matter was resolved by "corruption" and 20 hours later, after viewing that beautiful film "Rent," I was back on American soil. After my arrival in Portland, Oregon, I had to accept a ride on the back of a friendly greyhound. Oh yeah, if you check the news, the counter-revolution in Brazil has been beat down just like that Cuban traitor "Casamayor" was in his rematch with Corrales. I was stoked to hear that!
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
Are you a fan of the writer James Thurber?
No, Cathy, I haven't been lucky enough to be a fan of J Thurber. I just checked him out on Wikipedia and he sounds like a fascinating individual, particularly in being accomplished in both writing and the visual arts. My only exposure to him has been in repeated school readings of "the secret life of Walter Mitty," which I find annoying. However, I've learned not to judge artists by their most famous work. For instance, I'm eager to get reading "Leaves of Grass," a work I've long avoided due to the rather insipid "Song of Myself."
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
cheers for repsonding to my questions Sean. This is certainly an active thread, and i find your view on life and yourself quite fascinating if a little of the wall. Juliet


Lovely. Yes! peace shall arrive and thrive! Let's not forget that. I thought it was very well-written, autobiographical, pyshcobiographical, melodic...I see a tinkle of nylon acoustic, player lit only by a candle in a dead-room circa 1955. He plays the whole of his road trip of 145 days in 22 minutes...and it's all passionate playing..every damned note. It's all alive. It's a short and mudane walk across the street transformed forever by a good idea. An idea that was realised in the moment will play on forever from the fingers of our brothers. Play on brothers - play on. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

"For amusement, I'll throw out a few comments. Really, I try to rise above the labyrinths that can confine peoples' thoughts. It's in this spirit that I can freely admire some virtues of Rudyard Kipling." Well, yes but you said 'social ideas'. As far as I know Kipling's key social idea was a belief in the 'white man's burden' view of history. That doesn't make The Jungle Book a bad story but... Martin Heidegger might have been an interesting philosopher but his social ideas are generally best avoided. "Oh yeah, if you check the news, the counter-revolution in Brazil has been beat down" In what way. In the news I'm reading, Lula has thrown away a huge lead and failed to win the election without a run-off. That said, he's hardly a raging lefty these days. Not really clearly who's the revolutionary and who's doing the countering in this battle.


Thank you, Yan, for the beautiful encouragement. I dug your thoughtful response. And yo, Cathy, it's nice to learn about Thurber. Was he political... or just against bullying big brothers? Yeah, my Pa misunderstood the news he told me about Lulu and I look like a buffoon for proclaiming it without verifying. He is, however, a very capable man who I rightly Trust. A review of the behavior of my detractors and my responses in this and my last thread will inform any discerning person as to the sorts of humans everybody is here. As far as political questions go, I'll frankly state that I don't believe in head-count democracy... as didn't Martin Luther King, who stated that it's no way to determine what's moral. I do believe in democracy as a rule of thumb, similar to Tradition, Tolerance, Scholarship, and Environmentalism. And my tolerance fully embraces the rights of homosexuals. And to even qualify as a revolutionary, one first has to declare oneself an unhesitating ally of socialism. I don't use the word "counter-revolutionary" in some artsy-fartsy way. I, imperfect person though I am, strive to be part of the socialist revolution... which is about occupying the mansions on the hill, freeing the 3rd world slaves of the US and her allies, and other worthy causes. This struggle is REAL, dangerous, wondrous... not the Pampered chit-chat some seem to prefer.
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
I don't know what all the hoo-ha is about (presumably your self-promotion?). I didn't particularly care for your poem, though, I'm sorry to say.


My blog:

Is this gonna go on for another 143 posts?

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

FFS... deja vu?
What on earth are you talking about?! I've never sought out any of this hoo-ha! The way these threads go is I respond to what people say. If someone says something thoughtful, I do likewise. If someone courteously asks a question, I do my best to answer. And if someone responds without courtesy, I consider it no more than a sabotage of what could be a beautiful thread. So, to these parties who aren't interested in a meaningful discussion but hoitily-toitily crowd onto my posts, here are a few points. First, I really, honestly, unmitigatedly don't Care what you think. Congratulations, you were born on this side of the digital divide! In response to your vulgar harangues, I've wittily denigrated you in the eyes of anybody of any discernment. Fitting the situation, you're not aware. And yes, I'll continue to post as I see fit unless directly requested by an editor. But really, considering the amount of non-literary vulgarity you filled my last thread... that would be humorous.
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
“what do you think, imagine, prejudicially believe, etc??” "Well, I don't give a fuck about what's correct no more." “What on earth are you talking about?! I've never sought out any of this hoo-ha!” I'm not clear what you want from this forum, Sean. If you simply want your writing 'out there' then it's already on the site for all to read. As you're confident about your abilities to communicate, then why not let your writing speak for itself? Flagging on this forum is an invitation for criticism, positive and negative. That's what it's here for. ~
First of all, I apologize to the site and those folks I respect for... not showing enough courtesy and discipline on this forum. Neither my physical nor my mental health is quite where it should be... and the latter's always been a bit unusual. 2LOU, I've pointed out some things that I've been clumsily seeking. But just as much, I've been looking for fruitful conversation. Anyway, I remain somewhat confident in the hip, beauty of some of my writings. And, honestly, I'm still disdainful of certain attitudes that have been showing up on my posts. But uncontrolled anger is so futile... and I ought to know this by now. Well, I'm going to get back to drinking Sumatra and listening to E. John's "Too low for zero," which I've been Digging lately.
"If I send you post-cards from the side of the road: photographs of movies, and hearts about to implode"  -  Elliott Smith
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