The Rating Stars

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The Rating Stars

I'm sure that this subject has been discussed before but having been absent from the site for a long time I have not yet caught up with all the new developments. So may ask please, Who is supposed to fill in the stars? at the top of each story? It seems such a good idea but so far I haven't seen any completed. I'm glad to see the Cherry Syatem is still being used though.

They are now active so feel free to click away - they've been recently added so people haven't got used to them yet.
Tell me again, please? Are they working? All I can ever see is the rating I have already given to a story, not any one else's, or the average result. Or am I the only one rating?
Oo-er I'll check it! Thanks for pointing it out.
I'd just like to ptake this oppomtihs intorduice myslef and let thee know tat I'm intresyed,in a ssexual encounter anytiome..wioth [oplidh wokmen :) here's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Anonymous's picture
You are all right. At the moment you can rate stories and see YOUR OWN rating for that story (so you can change it if you like) ... BUT ... we haven't yet decided what to do with the ratings. Over the next couple of weeks we will be asking you lot for your ideas about what to do with the ratings ... The plan was turn the ratings on for now (cos thats the easy bit) so we can start collecting the numbers - and then turn the magic on when we come up with a cunning plan :) Hope that makes some sense ...
I just rated my own piece to see if it would accept it. It did. I am now the proud owner of my first five-star rating, but feeling something of a fraud!
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