What's The Best Advice You Never Took?

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What's The Best Advice You Never Took?

I can't remember if we've had this thread before, but the oldies are often the best. What's the best advice you never took? What sage counsel did you ignore, only to later discover its value?
And, as I guess the obvious corollary to this:
What's the worst advice you ever took?
And more positively:
What's the best advice you ever took?

Any takers?

Best advice ignored: "To conquer the world, you must first conquer yourself." Best advice taken: "Always eat before a night out." Cheers, Mark


What's the worst advice you ever took? Notifying my family that I was in hospital. Mind you it wasn't advice ... it was undue interference and pressure from a bunch of ignorant ***** Best advice I took (and I receive it daily): 'Just for today... don't fucking drink' jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


best advice i never took "don't go out with him it definitely won't work" bugger
BEST ADVICE: CARPE DIEM WORST ADVICE: JUST IGNORE IT BEST ADVICE I NEVER TOOK: DON'T MARRY THE HO! HAHAHA There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I beginning to suspect the best advice I didn't take will turn out to have been 'go see a dentist'


The worst advice I received and thankfully *didn't* take was: go to secretarial school. TFG! The best advice I didn't listen to: don't move overseas just yet. Oh, I've lived to regret that one, on many levels. The worst advice I did listen to: You'll never regret leaving him. Oh, but I did regret it! Still do, many years on... *sigh*
Best advice I never took: Don't invest in the internet. Worst advice I ignored: Don't marry her. It'll never work out.
Best advice ignored; 'Don't marry her' Worst advice ignored; 'Don't listen to the guy who said don't marry her' Best advice taken; None, I ignored everybody!


Best advice I never took: don't waste your time trying...you'll never make it as a nun! jude


Best advice never taken: Dont' ever get married, son (from dad, bless 'im) Worst advice ever taken: don't go on a 2-year adult ed course I had planned at Coleg Harlech in Wales. It would have made uni easier for me, and would have gotten me away from home at an important time in my life. I was told 'It's silly to give up a good job to pursue education.' Best advice ever taken: attend voluntary drop-in sessions at a local alcohol unit. I went every day for 6 months and it sorted me out.
Best advice I never took: Unplug from mains socket before removing back cover.
before that your head was a luxurious pelt? jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


Best advice - keep your chin up Worst advice - turn the other cheek I would love it if my head was a luxurious pelt. Span
*Pelts Jude*
A luxurious pelt upon my bonce, now there's a thought.
Best advice never taken: "Beep." - it was the electric cable detector saying "Don't drill here!"
Best advice *life's too short* which is so damn true & infact I'm gonna go into the kitchen & make up with my man cause I can''t remeber why we're fighting. I'll let you know how it turns out
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