Bagpipes Over the Bypass

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Bagpipes Over the Bypass

I have, of late, been a little saddened by the fact that it has been some time since I took pen to paper (metaphorically, of course, in this digitial age of ours). And then I was struck by the bagpipe-player who has taken to standing outside my place of work, doing his thang. Yesterday I caught him looking not towards the passing pedestrians, but rather standing with his back to them, looking out over the bypass while he squeezed out his tunes. And I thought... what must he be thinking? What thoughts were blowing through the wild and untamed landscapes of his unruly Scottish head? Was he imagining he was back on the Highlands? Was he lamenting the loss of a flame-haired, dusky maiden? Of course, he may have just been thinking (in a Brummie accent), "I hope they've still got some of those reduced chicken pies in Somerfield."

And then I thought...

Of course you are still writing, you fool!


Reminds me of an anecdote I once read about, I think, Thurber. He and his wife were at a party and she noticed, at one point, that he was standing alone, staring into the crowd with a strange look on his face. She went over and nudged him and said 'For heaven's sake, STOP WRITING!' There used to be a bagpipe-player near me who practiced every evening in his garage. It had one of those up-and-over doors which he used to keep slightly open. If you walked past, all you could see was this pair of slipper-clad feet, one of which was tapping out the beat.
The tragedy of some people is that they die with their music still inside them. Bagpipers typify the tragedy of those who manage to get it out.
Eh? Tragedy? Are you saying bagpipers are tragic? I'm a little 'fused... :-/ pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

two cool quotes...I'll 'ave those, if yas don't mind ;) There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

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