Mum musings

Random musings of a single mum


anipani says hi, i read your mum musings, and could feel the conflict of emotion in them, and the sense of isolated grimness that can be the lot of parenting the youngster. i had plenty of those same feelings when i was with my two boys, but i remember how i would look at them asleep and recharge myself with love for them. it was a magical thing. the problem lies not with the fact that you are dealing with children, but that the world is a crap place t do that job, it never acknowledges you, and children are always considered a pain, unless they are mimicing adults, in behaviour,or mimicking what adults want children to behave like. writing like this is presumably from the heart, if you are a single bachelor working in I. T, then you are even more remarkable a writer! very much enjoyed reading your stuff.


Mornings can be the worst

It's with a four letter word That I start the day.

Carried Away

The worst that could happen...

Topsy Turvy

Topsy Turvy World is the loneliest place on earth: