A very British question

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A very British question

Greetings, fellow writing fellows! :)

A friend of mine, who is in the midst of composing a semi-fantastical golfing tale, has put to me the following question...

"I have a character in my story who is the vicar of Warmsly (http://www.slightlytrue.com/writing/Choir-Practice.html) and he is playing golf with Lady Fiona Hardcastle. This is a social occasion, and they play together often. How does he address her Should he call her Fiona? How should she address him? Any thoughts?"


Any thoughts?

He should call her Fi and she should call him everytime she knows he's shagging the girl from the office with the blonde hair just a thought ged

Ged Backland

Lady Fiona perhaps? Sophia Grace

Sophia Grace

I would personally put ma'am or Lady Hardcastle myself.
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