RE: The Atheist's Work Ethic

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RE: The Atheist's Work Ethic

Topic posted in response to The Atheist's Work Ethic : This was demanded to be removed as a hostile act against atheists on apopular news group. Do you find it offensive speech? Does it have any artistic merit?

Well I wouldn't demand it be removed but I don't rate its artistic merit very highly either. It starts with a solidly insulting premise then comes close to making an argument for that (an argument that's utter bunk in my opinion - but that's beside the point) but instead descends into an incoherent mess of unconnected, unjustified, and sometimes hopelessly prejudiced statements. It reads like a drunken tirade, several bits make no sense at all (pink fairies? sex addiction?). You need to go back and think your argument through and then lay it out more slowly, clearly, and soberly. Don't assume everyone believes what you believe, if you don't understand the view point of the people you are trying to convince you don't stand a chance of convincing them. And first off, are atheists really any more lazy than believers? You need to provide some evidence because anybody reading this is likely to know at least one hard working atheist.


As Dan suggests, the writing isn't currently coherent enough for arguments to make linguistic sense. But obviously the general point is that atheists are lazy. I imagine it's a general position that won't make a lot of sense in the UK because aggressive Christianity in the US style is an extremely marginal activity here. Most (as in more than 50%) of people in the UK are cultural Christians who don't actively practise Christianity and may not believe in God - and probably wouldn't classify themselves as either atheists or religious people. Many of these are these people are just as affected (or not) by the protestant work ethic as people who are actually protestants. I can understand the argument that believing in something might make people work harder but I'm not sure there's any evidence that believing in God motivates people to work more than feeding their family or buying a nice car (depending on the individual concerned).


I find this really funny and ridiculous. You are on a site that is owned and run by an atheist - me! Just because I do not believe in God it doesn't mean that I don't have moral values. I have them in bucketloads. It's arguments like yours that lead to so much trouble in the world - be it in Northern Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan or the USA. Please let a little tolerance into your life.
Anonymous's picture
Not nearly subtle or witty enough as a parody to really make me belly laugh, but amusing nonetheless. The best bit was when it ended.
Well, we have to remember that the US if full of people who think Hillary Clinton is a raving Marxist. On that basis, the idea that atheists are inherently lazy is relatively moderate and sensible. That David Hume, though, he was always churning out books. On a related matter, would David Miliband be our first openly atheist Prime Minister (assuming he gets a go at some point)?


Anonymous's picture
Funny you should bring that up. I read this ( just the other day. I'd summarise it, but I'm far too lazy. What the hell, you're probably too lazy to click on the link. I'm off for a nap now, all this activity has worn me out.
I have to agree with most here. Very muddled thinking and tiring to read. But I'm an agnostic.
*rips up freshly printed pile of ‘Atheist-Sidewalk-Sprayers-R-Us’ flyers – crawls back to bed* ~
I'm more worried about him being the first British Prime Minister who can't even grow a proper moustache (Maggie excluded).


What's so bad about being lazy? Whoever heard of a lazy crusader? A lazy genocide? A lazy inquisitor? All power to lazy atheists! Down with work! Right, I've got to go and get on with building my house now..... cobblers!
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