Roof Whirl Away a new collection

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Roof Whirl Away a new collection

I have a new collection of stories available for preorder at Amazon. It's called Roof Whirl Away. I'd be very grateful for your support. As a short story writer it's not been easy for me to get my work out there.

Thank you,


Here's a link:

Roof Whirl Away on Amazon

Anonymous's picture
I thoroughly enjoyed 'Brother, what strange place is this?' - I'll order the new one today. Ben
hey congrats tom a great title! will look forward to reading it x
Added to my amazon Wish List. Good luck with it, Tom. ~
Thanks, Enzo.
Thanks, Fish. A kiss to you.
Thanks, 2Lou.
Update! It's available from today at Amazon through the Richard Jefferies Society. A link: signed copies Roof Whirl Away If you buy the book through the RJS it will be signed to you.
Great - I too enjoyed 'Brother' and will look forward to reading these. I commend them to you all.
maybe andrea can put you on wiki!
Thanks, Tony.
She could do that, Haddock. Several of the stories were workshopped here.
I already DID put Tom on WIKI :-) Here: and here: (I need to add more to this, re Tom. Reviews etc) But I can't make a separate page, because they'd insist it was (and will) integrate it with the ABC/ UKA pages.
Thanks, Andrea. Much appreciated. Who knows what'll happen about reviews.
Anonymous's picture
Tom, my copy arrived yesterday - looks great, can't wait!
Good-oh. I hope you enjoy it, mate.
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