ABCtales Magazine Issue # 11

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ABCtales Magazine Issue # 11

The November issue of ABCtales Magazine is now available as a free download, featuring the best in new writing from this Autumn.

Contributors are Kelvin Doyle, Andrea Tallarita, Patrick P Astre, Rebecca Hainsworth, Simon Locke, Tim Smillie, Clive Jackaman, Christine Clatworthy, Ewan Lawrie, CharlaX, Nicola West, John Osborne, Stefano Olaf, Barry Foster, Paul Jennings, No One, Domino Woodstock, Edward Mooney and Donna Carter.

You are welcome to print and distribute as many copies as you wish. But mainly: read and enjoy!

The Editor is pleased to receive your feedback and is always open to direct submissions, nominations, or suggestions for content in 2009.

This is a very nice looking magazine. Of course, even though I remember the piece very well, the first thing I did upon downloading the pdf was to scroll down to my story. It's always exciting to see one's work displayed like this isn't it? And to see one's biographical details on the screen as if, just for a few moments, this tiny celebrity might break through the anonymity and mediocrity to which I am habituated and with which I am actually quite content. Wow! My biographical details are small! What is the editor of ABCTales Magazine trying to say? There are writers in there with huge paragraphs of biographical information, peacock's plumes of biog's; there's one guy who's written a resume, an advertisment for everything he's ever written; half a page and three photos. And then there's mine. I now have a smudge on my screen from pressing my nose up against it to read my biographical details; the font isn't small, it's vanishing. So, there we are. I don't know what to make of this. It's funny. Will this shrunken fame change me? Perhaps one needs to be grandiloquent to receive a normal sized biography. I'm caught between two stools now. If I'm lucky enough to have anything put in the magazine again I might just submit a single full stop as my bio; it wouldn't appear on screen much smaller than my paragraph this time. On the other hand I might claim to have been the Court Poet of the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. After all how many people are going to rush off to get their magnifying glasses to find out what it says?
Calm down my partner tells me. I don't think she quite believes me when I tell her this is really very funny. I think she thinks my delicate creative ego might be bruised.... "Your biographical stuff is only like that because each new story had to be started on a new page. You took up too much room with your story." Well, it occurs to me that it was lucky my story wasn't a line or two longer. I might have disappeared entirely...... biography on a microdot.
You know, I'd rather have the story than the bio, were it me. I'd know someone had found it worth choosing my piece from among a great deal of (much better) work on the site, and that's enough for me. Thanks to John Wilks for keeping up what must seem - at times - to be an increasingly thankless task. Ewan
Funny you should say that, Ewan. As you may be aware, the current Editor has given up on his own writing. As a side effect of this, he is not particularly interested in other people's writing either. This is, of course, not a reassuring quality for someone in an editorial role. Therefore, is there anyone willing to volunteer for one or more of the following: 1: To take over the Magazine completely as a brand new Editor. 2: To join the Magazine as an Assistant Editor, to work in partnership with the current Editor in all areas of production. 3: To join the Magazine as a Sub Editor, taking over responsibility for one particular area. E.g. prose, poetry, features, design, DTP, publicity. 4: To take over the Magazine for one issue only, as a Guest Editor. To volunteer, please reply directly via the ABCtalesMag contact tab. If you wish to debate the future of the Magazine in more general terms, then by all means add your views to this thread.
First of all, I am very sad that John feels unable to continue. Secondly, I would comment that, perhaps, the way ahead for the magazine would be the Guest Editor option, in as much as this would at least give people an insight into the complexities of the job and, thereby, an appreciation of how difficult it is to satisfy 'all of the people, all of the time'. That said, being currently in the throes of a creative writing course, I would be unable to volunteer as a Guest Editor until the middle of next year, should I even be thought suitable for the job. I urge everyone to consider John's post very carefully and post their views on the way ahead. I, for one, think it would be very sad if the Magazine perished on the vine.
You know what Ewan? I was making funny. I guess I'll have to try harder next time. Or maybe we all need to use emoticons now to be sure that everyone knows exactly where we're coming from. I already expressed my thanks directly to the editor when my story was chosen and have felt very honoured on both occasions when my work has been included in what is an excellent magazine. I don't for one second imagine that my comments above have upset Mr Wilks, in fact it sounds like his ennui is a little more profound than that. Anyway, that's enough of that. If you'd like to argue about which one of us is the more modest and humble we could start another thread.
No, not at all. I did guess you were being funny. Did everyone else? I do agree that John Wilks ennui is far more profound and unlikely to have been affected by your comments, however, I do stand by the call for people to consider his post carefully, since, I presume, you do feel the magazine is a good thing? yours Uriah
I think the danger of a writer offering to become editor or assistant editor is that subjectivity thing - I would love to get involved, but this month is busy due to my participation for the first time in NaNoWriMo. To get past the subjectivity, could we not all nominate pieces of other writers' work for consideration, rather than the editor being responsible for choosing it? Would love to have a go, after this month and its inevitable recovery period is up! Jen x


Well, isn't this a lively debate? It's nice to know that people feel so passionate about the fate of the Magazine. (sigh) OK - sarcasm aside - there seems to be some support for the 'Guest Editor' option. Two tentative, but welcome, expressions of interest from Ewan and Jennifer. For this to work, we need a few more volunteers to come on board. The present Editor is willing to remain involved and fill in the gaps, where necessary. But we need to know we are not wasting our time. Come on, say something.
Sorry to hear you've given up on your writing, John, and hope you feel inspired again soon. There's no way I could take on the task of editing, I am too busy trying to make a living and write. There's my honest answer. I really appreciate the work you've done with the magazine though, you have excellent taste. Big thank you from me. Chelsey x
I'd be happy to have a go at guest editing an issue. Be good for me to read more abctales work
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