No Tell

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No Tell

The wife of an acclaimed spiritualist (who wishes anonymity) has revealed that her husband is in a severe state of shock after receiving a ‘mystic message' from Adam!

Although the man has had messages from the “other-side” before it appears that this one was very powerful and worrying and he is still very distraught.

From what the wife can make out - it seems that Adam stressed that it was vitally important that her husband pass on an urgent message about an update for "Guiders" telling them that The Wogan will now NOT appear this Xmas!
The wife, a big fan of Terry, said she hoped it was a misunderstanding.
She added that - Adam (who it seems prefers to be called 'Douglas') warned that a lot of the local TV guides had not updated because of interference from the ULF transmitters (especially the one in Alaska - used for climate change research) and an emergency update was required!

It seems that Adam also said that it had been agreed that "A Fifty Percent Cull" was planned instead(which would cost about 3 billion) and that changes to the schedules would be only a few milliseconds, depending on solar winds.

There was also something else about Mr Cern not going out on time due to similar ULF interference.

Who uses Guides anyway? :O)

Obviously Adams is concerned about playing the Haarp. Does it kill even more moose than Sarah Palin, has it saved us from the Vogon Constructor fleet, and does it cause holes in the ozone layer? Now wouldn't it be a relief to discover that Global Warming is not the reason for Climate Change... but that Climate Change is just another consequence of the tinkering by those wonderful backroom boffins who just want to find out how things work. What happens if I do this - ooohhh, it breaks it! Never mind, now it's broken I can try... :O) Incidentally, I notice the CERN LHC is expected to be back online by June. Contrary to popular public belief the LHC has never collided any protons and it may well be 2010 before it does. Don't rush on my account fellas...
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