We've been here before...

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We've been here before...

It seems no matter how many times I go on hiatus and disappear, I end up coming back. Part of me thinks I always will. This was the first place I made my work public, the first place I recieved help from other writers, the first place I got to share ideas with like-minded people.

Thank you to the Admins, the moderators, and the people who make this site what it is. You're all the reason I keep coming back.

Hear, hear, same story for me! Up the abc! J x


It's years and years since I first found abctales and I still keep coming back to see how things are getting on - usually surreptitiously mind you. One thing that's struck me this time is that the forums are very similar to back in the day, same old arguments, just different user names... On a happier note, I reckon it's still such a great place for readers and writers - not just on the net - with loads of well-meaning and helpful folk to gee everyone along. So yeah, to echo redrecon, thanks to all at abc, keep up the good work!


I've just taken off my invisibility cloak to offer my agreement. I'll go again now. Bye.
Ja I thought that myself clicking through the threads. You know the same points, just different names. It's what makes this site great. The multi posting's the best, and I guess it will always be a feature on abc. We've all done it haven't we? Okay maybe not! I did though at first. Equally funny is a thread on plaguerism, by someone who came well on top on the site for doing the same a couple of times. Bruce Willis anyone? Film buffs will know what I'm on about, it's a sin in this city as well as any other, but I guess it'll always be the way. Long live ABC. Craig
Is plaguerism catching?


I just wanted to agree with Redrecon, Jennifer etc. It feels nice to be back. Ladle (née galfreda)


How very good to return form holiday to such a warm and welcoming thread. Thankyou to all - I shall endeavour to tread the fine line between love and hope and keep the ABC flag flying!
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