one-to-one mentoring/editing?

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one-to-one mentoring/editing?

Hi guys,

I was reading the subs thread below (which I think is a great idea and I would be happy with, once more details are worked out) and I was wondering if there might or also be the possibility of paying to have our work commented on/edited in a more regular and detailed way. I don't know if this has been done here before, but personally I'd be happy to pay for one of the editors to go through my work in this way - freelance editing if you will, where an editor/the editorial team could be paid a certain sum per X no. of words in exchange for their feedback and how to improve it etc...

Any thoughts?


That's fine in theory, but who do you think is really qualified to offer this service? Not me. At least not in return for financial remuneration. I cannot speak for others, of course.
Oh, er, I assumed the editors here were qualified enough to offer this... hmm...
I think it's definitely a service ABCtales could offer. It wouldn't necessarily have to be provided by the current editorial team, there's plenty of relatively acclaimed writers out there who need some extra cash.


There are other sites where you can pay to have that kind of thing done. I suppose it would be a way of making money, but I hope it wouldn't interfere with the way it's done currently - through generosity. It's made all the difference to me. I also want to second everything FTSE says about Ewan, only I hope he doesn't start charging, otherwise I'll have to turn to crime or something.


I'm not familiar with these other sites(?), but I've come to know and trust this one, so it would be nice to have such a service on here. I don't think it should interfere with the current way of reading and posting comments on what we like, or think has potential and want to offer brief advice on how to improve it. What I was thiking of would be a private adn more systematic separate service for those willing to pay for it and to take the significantly extra time to provide. Payment details aside, the feedback could be via some kind of pro forma with boxes such as 'strengths', 'areas for improvement' and 'other/general comments'...if that doesn't sound too school-teacher ish! I dunno, I just thought it would help those who didn't necessary need/want to take an academic creative writing course and have to deal with random assigments, but instead just get regular (well, depending on how often they use it) critique on any existing projects that they did want feedback on. is external), is external) , I think those do. I haven't tried them, but they were recommended on a forum by someone who had. I didn't want to do a creative writing course either, I do know what you mean, also about trusting abc, because I do too. I just find people on here extremely generous with their criticism anyway - good or bad - it's all been so helpful to me. If I ask, someone generally comes along and tells me. I can see that someone might want something more structured though. it's just occurred to me to ask tony if he minds about posting links. I'll ask him and take them down if he does.


I don't mind at all - but it something we should offer on here. David K and I have discussed it with a number of people over the years - time now to put it into action!
Thanks for the links insert, both sites sound very impressive, but my mind started boggling at all the fgures and descriptions of how their reviewing and chart systems work, so will have to check them out again properly later. And good to hear Tony, and, whether or not it could be combined with the proposed subs idea currently being discussed in the other thread, hopefully it would raise and continue to raise more money for abc.
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