More Terrorists?

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More Terrorists?

“At least nine people have been killed after Israeli commandos stormed a convoy of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army says.
Armed forces boarded the largest vessel overnight, clashing with some of the 500 people on board.
It happened about 40 miles (64 km) out to sea, in international waters.“

The thing that worries me is that some people are already saying that the protestors deserved to die as they were aiding terrorists.
Exactly the same sort of madness that some of the extreme right wing in Thailand are saying about the largely innocent people who were shot or wounded in Bangkok while making a non-violent protest.

Strangely, the Israeli authorities are using much the same excuse as the Thais -
‘They attacked our soldiers who were forced to defend themselves.”
It must be on page one of the Favourite Fascist Handy Excuses Handbook.

Deputy Speaker of Israeli parliament Danny Danon, grudgingly admits to the BBC, “Maybe some of them were not terrorists” - frightening! Interestingly, despite some very violent film footage of what appears to be passengers attacking soldiers, boarding from helicopters, with sticks... the Israeli Prime Minister says that only four soldiers were wounded. He also seems to say that all but one of the flotilla ships had agreed to go to port and so avoided conflict... but that’s certainly not how this report explains it… It seems that some of the so called ‘terrorists’ were widely respected internationally and include a former US ambassador. Fortunately the 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, Hedy Epstein, had changed her plans opting to join another ship that was to attempt to reach Gaza later.
There has to be more work done on a means of punishing governments who order their soldiers into provocative action and then claim that the resulting deaths and injuries were “unfortunate”. “Unfortunate” suggests that the government didn’t realise that there would be opposition to their armed invasion when, of course, there ALWAYS is! That’s why fascist governments are so fond of doing it. The question should never be “Whose fault was it that it turned so violent?” Rather - “Why did you choose to use such provocative action in the first place?” DEAD MEANS, DEAD! You can’t bring them back, you can’t replace them, they sing no more! Both the Thai and Israeli governments must be asked to explain why they took the actions they did! There are always alternatives, why take actions that will inevitably cause panic, confrontation and probable injuries and deaths? Perhaps it is to instil the simple message - Resistance is futile; protest and be shot!
I think they have finally gone paranoid and mad. What good came from it? They lost an ally (Turkey)...


Essentially, I agree Salim. Thou shalt not kill! Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Does anyone really believe that most of these people are really terrorists? It’s no good trying to make paranoid people see that murdering people and calling them terrorists because the don’t agree with you is not just simply wrong but against God! You can’t heal hate with violence but such is the power of paranoia that you no longer care about healing only about power! Consider this :- When the light of Reason flickers and fades like a guttering candle and only Faith remains to battle the pressure, pain and prejudice of Paranoia. When you have exhausted your hubris and perceived the Poisoned Pigmy in his portrayal of the Pleasant Priest. When you curse the Captains of Civility and their blind, smug, self-satisfied, supercilious solutions. When there is no choice but to fight, no hope but to delay and no aid but the shattered remnants of a once cherished philosophy. When consequences no longer count and the final scream of capitulation is welling, unbidden, in your breast. When all seems lost and it is no longer possible to bear the unbearable. When Hate is set to triumph in your soul. Hold fast to your Faith! Love must persevere. Love must prevail. For if we lose that we lose all! These are dark days... and the only hope is the Power of Love!
Mangon This is a good piece of work. A powerful piece of heartfelt poetry. But your also very right, we are living in a world where fear is holding everyone captive. The army and navy of Isreal attacked those boats' because they are living in fear, the people of Gaza are living in fear of their neighbor because of the fear that came out of the end of the second world war. The only way fear can be broken is by the power of love,because as you know perfect love casts' out fear.


"We are working urgently with Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and other international partners to develop new procedures for delivering more goods and assistance to Gaza" said Mike Hammer (a spokesman for the White House National Security Council). Well, it might have been better if it were Philip Marlowe but Mike Hammer is a step in the right direction :O)
You can’t heal hate with logic! Paranoia is deaf to anything that disagrees with it. Paranoia insists that once it has enough power it will subjugate its enemies and all will be well. As I keep saying - In the struggle between the mice and the elephants - the elephant generals are always saying ‘If only we were bigger!’… so more guns, more tanks, more missiles… What we need is not more supercilious solutions or empty threats but BETTER LEADERS! The solutions to the world’s problem do not lie within science but within ourselves! As the song says “What the world needs now is love sweet love...” (that's the only thing that there's just too little of)
The spirit of the times will make a move when she is ready, for now though keep educating yourself and preparing yourself.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

“Despite the Israeli government’s thorough efforts to confiscate all footage taken during the attack, Iara Lee was able to retain some of her video recordings. Below is the unedited footage from the moments leading up to and during the Israeli commandos’ assault on the Mavi Marmara.” Interesting and quite shocking in places! Some of the dialogue is in English. There is an also a 15 minute edited video containing the highlights.
'... Judaism and Zionism are by no means the same. Indeed they are incompatible and irreconcilable: If one is a good Jew, one cannot be a Zionist; if one is a Zionist, one cannot be a good Jew.' G. J. Neuberger.
While it is true that perfect love casts out fear - few people are ever likely to achieve such love. To be pragmatic we can only hope that some way can be found to reduce the hate that springs from paranoia and that this will allow the haters to begin to see that hate can only lead to disaster. Hate selectively blinds the eye and this is often apparent when countries blind with their own hate criticise other countries who are doing pretty much the same things as they are! We tend to think that leaders are logical, enlightened, people who might be a bit bent around the edges but do sincerely want to help their people… they might start out like that but power, inevitably, corrupts. Hell is paved with good intentions and the road to hell with dreams! Hence the motto of Fascism “The ENDS Justify The Means.” Once the military mind is in charge then, before you know it, the ’opposition’ have been transformed into the ’terrorists’ and this seems to inevitable lead to the conclusion that the only way to win is to destroy the ’terrorists’ (which they have created) by killing or imprisoning all the opposition leaders. Then the military start saying if only we were bigger, better weapons, more soldiers, more… Eventually, the military realise that many of their own people are a potential threat and Fascism replaces Democracy by chanting the magic word ‘security’. Then Hell is just around the corner. If enough people start to realise that they are on the road to Hell then it may be possible to turn around but usually any resistance to the military mind is seen as ‘opposition’ and of course anyone who opposes must be in league with the ‘terrorists’. This is why love is the only hope because ‘forgiveness’ is the only way out of these vicious circles. Talking and trying to understand each others point of view and having enough love to overcome the paranoia and fear that prevents trust!
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