Use the site and well and you will find lots of friends. Write, comment and participate and you will soon find others who think and write like you.
All the best,
yeah i have had these problems.....i try to get along, you can chat to me online if you want also you can contact sounds mental...five artists share stories of the way creativity has helped them recover from mental illness, one is a is external), hope this helps, you can email me at sends e-mail) if you like
Hey DD your not alone, everyone I know has some sort of mental illness, me included. Life is like a giant asylum, some get on the good wards some end up acute. I look forward to reading some of your work.
Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt
help on deleting comments dont laugh i noticed a lot of the comments on my profile are actually dd which was accidently done by me helpp lol need clean up my collections
Mental Health is a continuum upon which we all sit. I spent twelve years in the deep dark pit. I described recovery to my cousin and friends who all suffered in a similar way as a series of peaks and troughs that even out over a period of time. Sit tight (you're not alone and you will get through.
Persian proverb - "This too will pass."
Applies equally to the good and the bad. We have to take it all.
Take care.
Thank you for your reply It brings a smile to my face..meaning there is others like myself who I relate to not meaning the sadness weve suffered but the survival of getting out from the bottom less pit the war of of wars as i think to myself, i beleive we are all soldiers with a lot of scars from the aftermath of mental health and its related disorders, i also beleive you are so right about the creativity that we hold in our hearts we become wise from our pain and suffering and still plod on and have hope in our hearts, angels we are with clipped wings and also i hope to believe good karma and bad karma comes around in life.
be safe and tc
I'm in there too sometimes. Perhaps it is tied up with creativity somehow as a lot of creative people seem to have big ups and downs.
I like to think of life as a roller coaster, and as you head down, you can at least reflect that you're picking up speed to hit the next up ramp faster.
New darkoe2lh2k
Yes, I truly have empathy I understand not called Mental now clients I think. Do things you have never done and try! try! Never to young or old?
and feeling for all of you. I have
been through more than the majority.
So you can talk to, I think of myself now as Agony Aunt. Daycentres been know many and met and me
all in the same boat, but life can turn around,
doing helping joining, and tender care to all.
Like our Editor tcook says and to me, interact
on AbcTales comment join in, and in a year truly
amazing the help on here. So do get going I am listening and waiting and all of us.
julie xx
Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt