Advertise with us:)
Fellow writers,
I am the circulation manager for Dark Myth Production Studios and would love for those of you with books to sell or a website to advertise with us.
1 Issue through 5 issue is $5 per issue.
All 6 issues (6 issues published a year) has been reduced
to $20 (a $10 which is like having 2 issues free!)
12 issues (2 years total) has been reduced to $50 (a $10
which is like having 2 months free!)
18 issues (3 years total) has been reduced to $75 (which is
a $15 savings or 3 issues free)
24 issues (4 years total) before the reduced price would
have costed $120 but is reduced to $90 (that's $30 off
or 6 issues (which is a whole year) free!
All payment should be made through paypal, any one
interested Alan will send them an invoice. So let me know if
you're on board. It would be cool to work
together to promote one another.
Every advertiser will be given a username and password so they can log in and see how many hits the magazine gets as well as how many people have entered their website through The World of Myth.
if you have a website you want us to promote for you as well as any new books you may have up for sale. Our rates are very reasonable and you have many options to choose from. We have a lot of new, unique readers from all around the globe and having us advertise for you would possibly open up your magazine, work/books/screenplays to many of the readers for a variety of opportunities. The World of Myth/Dark Myth Production Studios was bought by New Blood Films...
The World of Myth is also open to submissions if you are interested.
T.Newbill aka Belle Green
In this issue we have:
Action/Suspense submissions:
“The Horseman” by Rob Newlyn
"Tombstones" by David K. Montoya
Horror submissions:
“Last Dance” by Terry D. Scheerer
"Two Gun Pete and a Bucket of Blood" by: Sara Saint John
Humor submissions:
“Brotherly Love” by Kyle D. Dobbs
Fantasy submissions:
“The Fourth Trickster” by T.G. Browning
Poems submissions:
“Inward Tides” by Theresa C. Newbill
"Letting Go" by Kevin Magnus
Artwork & Photos:
“She” by Gloria by Redfield Riggs
“Valley of the Dark Magi” by Jesse Lindsay
“Sin in the City ” by Rebecca C. Lofgren
“The hunter became the hunted” by Mauricio Roldan
“Tempted” by Mauricio Roldan
TWoM Movie Reviews by Reaper Rick
Interview column with John “JAM” Miller
So let all your friends know about The World of Myth
Submissions are open for the next issue...
Also..we would love for individual writers to promote their writing and websites with us on a continual basis for new readership and new venues of publication and collaborations.
1 Issue through 5 issue is $5 per issue.
All 6 issues (6 issues published a year) has been reduced
to $20 (a $10 which is like having 2 issues free!)
12 issues (2 years total) has been reduced to $50 (a $10
which is like having 2 months free!)
18 issues (3 years total) has been reduced to $75 (which is
a $15 savings or 3 issues free)
24 issues (4 years total) before the reduced price would
have costed $120 but is reduced to $90 (that's $30 off
or 6 issues (which is a whole year) free!
All payment should be made through paypal, any one
interested Alan will send them an invoice. So let me know if
you're on board. It would be cool to work
together to promote one another.
Every advertiser will be given a username and password so they can log in and see how many hits the magazine gets as well as how many people have entered their website through The World of Myth.